When you send a parcel through Parcel Monkey we’ll direct you to an HS code lookup tool during the booking process so you can find the correct codes for your items. The first 4 digits refer to the category then the digits that follow provide further detail on what the item is and wh...
few countries like Russia, USA and South Korea use HS Code up to 10 digit level. You can lookup country wise HS Code on our website http://www.exportgenius
厂商: INTERSIL(Intersil) 封装: 描述: HS-80C86RH - Radiation Hardened 16-Bit CMOS Microprocessor - Intersil Corporation 数据手册:下载HS-80C86RH.pdf立即购买 数据手册 价格&库存 HS-80C86RH 数据手册切换侧栏 查找 上一页 下一页 / 37 演示模式打开当前在看 ...
Czech Namedays Calendar Lookup for a name and returns nameday date No No Unknown Go! Google Calendar Display, create and modify Google calendar events OAuth Yes Unknown Go! Hebrew Calendar Convert between Gregarian and Hebrew, fetch Shabbat and Holiday times, etc No No Unknown Go! Holidays Hi...
Error Lookup(错误代码查看器)⚾️美媒晒梗图:特雷青年、特雷中年、特雷老nba押注平台是一款由中国著名游戏公司研发的动作角色扮演手游。这款游戏以浩瀚的古代神话为背景,玩家将扮演一个英雄,与各种神兽和恶魔战斗,穿越不同的时空和地域,完成各种任务和挑战,逐渐成长为真正的天书使者,并最终击败那些危害人类的恶势力...
The full HS code list The full 2-digit HS code list HS Code 4 digit categories Product descriptions 1 0101 - 0106 Live animals 2 0201 - 0210 Meat and edible meat offal 3 0301 - 0307 Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates 4 0401 - 0410 Dairy produce; birds' ...
HS codes often determine the import duties on a product. For example, if you want to import electric busses from China into the EU, this goes with HS code870240, and there is an import duty for everything under this code of 10%. ...