PHILIPPINES AIRASIA INC,位于菲律宾,主要贸易地包括等地,贸易商品HS海关编码包括等。寻迹数据为你提供该公司的联系方式(包括邮箱、地址、网址等)及详细贸易信息。
GTA (Global Trade Analysis System),the world's largest trade intelligence database, shows that there are1679The PhilippinesexportersofBanana(HS code0803000001). 按出口金额排序Rankedbyexportamount 排名 Rank The PhilippinesExporter Name/菲律宾出口商 1 DOLE PHILIPPINES POLOMOK / DOLE PHILIPPINES INC 2 SU...
天津港到Manila (South & North), Philippines 马尼拉(南港/北港),菲律宾海运费查询 港口介绍: 马尼拉是菲律宾的主要港口之一,是东南亚线(298)重要的枢纽。 MANILA 菲律宾第一商港。位于该国北部吕宋岛西南的马尼拉湾东岸,紧靠港市。西北至香港720海里东北至中国上海吴淞1117海里,至日本横滨港1750海里,西南至新加坡港...
GTA (Global Trade Analysis System),the world's largest trade intelligence database, shows that there are602The PhilippinesImportersoffans(HS code8414599000). 按采购金额排序Rankedbyimportamount 排名 Rank The PhilippinesImporter Name/菲律宾进口商 1 SCAD SERVICE (S) PTE LTD 2 SAN MIGUEL CONSOLIDATED ...
目的国家英文:Philippines 转运港:天津港 船东:联系我们 航程:20天 船期:周7 报价日期:2025-1-27 有效期:2025-2-21 天津港到Cagayan, Philippines 卡加岩,菲律宾海运费查询 港口介绍: 卡加岩是菲律宾的主要港口之一,是东南亚线(298)重要的枢纽。 菲律宾棉兰老岛北岸港口。采用东8区标准时。最大吃水为8.50米,水...
GTA (Global Trade Analysis System), the worlds largest trade intelligence database, shows that there are 602The Philippines Importers of fans (HS code 8414599000).按采购金额排序Ranked?by import amount排名RankThe Philippines Importer Name/菲律宾进口商1SCAD SERVICE (S) PTE LTD2SAN MIGUEL CONSOLIDATED...
If goods arrive at China customs with an incorrect HS code, this may result in: Delays in the clearance process; Fines; Seizure of shipment; Credit downgrade; Suspicion of smuggling; and Addition to a Customs watchlist. Are HS codes the same across the world?
screwsandbolts(HS7318159900)ThePhilippinesimporterslist 全球最大的贸易统计数据库一GTA2015年终统计结果显示,2015年1-12月螺钉及螺栓(商品编 码7318159900)菲律宾进口商共计572个。 GTA(GlobalTradeAnalysisSystem),theworld'slargesttradeintelligeneedatabase,showsthatthere ...
What is AHTN Code? TheASEAN Harmonised Tariff Nomenclature stands as a unified and region-specific commodity nomenclature utilised by all 10 ASEAN Member States. This includes Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. ...