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2022 updates to the HS codes The WCO updates its HS code system every five years. The purpose of this is to adapt to the evolving needs of the global trade environment. In January 2022, the WCO published the 7th edition of the HS, with slight amendments to the HS code rules. The spee...
This project provides source code for our Hierarchical Self-supervised Augmented Knowledge Distillation (HSAKD). This paper is publicly available at the official IJCAI proceedings:https://www.ijcai.org/proceedings/2021/0168.pdf Our poster presentation is publicly available at765_IJCAI_poster.pdf ...
Code [Project page|Video] Getting start Dataset (Clickhereto download) The large indoor and outdoor scenes in our dataset.Left: a climbing gym (1200 m2).Middle: a lab building with an outside courtyard 4000 m2.Right: a loop road scene 4600 m2 ...
Code 245 Table 261 Phy Test Pattern Dwords Control 245 Table 262 Diagnostic Page 40 246 Table 263 Supplied Format 246 Table 264 Address to translate 246 Table 265 SET DEVICE IDENTIFIER (A4/06) 247 Table 266 SET DEVICE IDENTIFIER, Parameter List 247 Table 267 START STOP UNIT (1B) 248 14 ...
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Use discount code SAS10 for 10% off your entire order.12/17/2013: Tom Muir on MetalSmith BenchTalk Radio!From Jay Whaley: My Guest this Thursday, December 5 at 3 p.m. PST on MetalSmith BenchTalk is Tom Muir, Distinguished Research Professor at Bowling Green State University, where he ...
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