HS CODE:9403609990、1050收纳柜、置物用|三聚氰胺刨花板|***牌|1050*300*700MM HS CODE:9403609990、2层收纳柜、置物用|三聚氰胺刨花板|***牌|600*400*715MM 最近三年的收纳柜(Storage cabinet)美国海关进口详细记录,虽然可以查看到美国收纳柜进口商名称、地址、邮箱收纳柜出口商名称及联系方式、收纳柜商品详细...
The difference between an HS code and HTS codeis the number of digits within the code. A code with six digits is a universal standard (HS Code) and a code with 7-10 digits (HTS Code) is often unique after the sixth digit and determined by individual countries of import. Let’s take ...
HS CODE:6203330000、100%锦纶男式外套、梭织|男式外套|男|100%锦纶|开襟|无扣|有拉链|***牌|H20P21MWJ188|有领 HS CODE:6203330000、全涤男式外套、梭织|外套|男式|100%涤纶|开襟|有扣|有拉链|THE ME|TMM02SC001 HS CODE:6203330000、化纤制梭织男式外套、梭织|上衣|男式|100%涤纶|开襟|有扣|无拉链|INHE...
Latest China HS Code & tariff for datem - Tariff & duty, regulations & restrictions, landed cost calculator, customs data for datem in ETCN. China customs statistics trade data.
hs编码匹配isic编码的stata命令code -回复 从编码匹配到Stata命令的过程。 编码是对物品、行业或活动的分类系统,以一组数字、字母或符号的形式表示。HS编码(Harmonized System)是一种国际通用的商品编码系统,用于分类和跟踪国际贸易中的商品。ISIC编码(International Standard Industrial Classification)是联合国制定的一种...
Imports shipping into the United States are required to get the matched HTS code. HTS codes are designated to identify importing product categories, calculate correct customs duty rates, measure import quotas, and standardize the trading data collection. When shipping products into the United States...
cc:classification code 商品分类代码,TOTAL 代表全部,AG2 代表两位代码(默认值)等 max:maximum records returned 一次性返回的最大数据条数,默认值是500,普通访客最高是10万,认证用户最高是25万 type:trade data type 贸易类型,C 是商品(默认值),S 是服务 ...
HS CODE:8544492100、。锂电线锯机、用于加热线通电|无接头|***牌|无型号|额定电压:300-600V HS CODE:8544492100、。锂电线锯机、连接治具和电源板做老化用|有接头|***牌|无型号|220V| HS CODE:8544492100、“昆电工”牌电线电缆、输送电能用|无接头|***牌|VVR-0.6/1-3X1.5+1X1|380伏 HS CODE:...
HS code FAQs Customs clearance has grown increasingly complex over the years as the explosion of goods being sent across borders has become more diversified. To avoid your packages being delayed at customs, you need to supply accurate data - and that means listing the products you are sending ...
an HS Code is used to identify the type of goods being shipped. It helps customs authorities around the world to determine the duties and taxes that should be applied and to ensure that goods are in compliance with local import and export regulations. Each HS Code is unique to a parti...