►第4类 - 食品;饮料、酒及醋;烟草、烟草及烟草代用品的制品 ►第5类 - 矿产品 ►第6类 - 化学工业及其相关工业的产品 ►第7类 - 塑料及其制品:橡胶及其制品 ►第8类 - 生皮、皮革、毛皮及其制品;鞍具及挽具;旅行用品、手提包及类似容器;动物肠线 ...
HS code search is available for major countries like USA,EU,India,Middle east,africa and other countries. The current search limit is 10 results per query. You can modify the search for obtaining relevant results. If you are unable to find what you were looking for,please drop us a mail ...
HS CODE RELATED INFORMATION ONLY By selecting only the HS code information from the Internet, you can select an appropriate HS code. SEARCH START AT THE SAME TIME AS ITEM NAME INPUT Search engine has started at the same time as input of item name and you can get the HS code immediately....
Search Product HS Codes of India We gather data from more than 10,000 ports around the world using shipping manifests, bill of lading, bill of entries and shipping bills. Home > India HS Code Data Search our database to gain unique insights and take your business to a new level...
新加坡海关编码可以通过新加坡海关(https://www.tradenet.gov.sg/tradenet/portlets/search/searchHSCA/searchInitHSCA.do)的官方网站查询。新加坡海关提供了一个在线的关税和统计代码查询系统,用户可以通过这个系统来查找商品的海关编码和相关的关税信息。**日本海关编码查询** 日本的海关编码查询可以通过日本海关(...
Transcustoms.com provide GACC Registration of China Customs, China 13-digit HS code,2022 new china HS code,tariff,Customs import tax rates search, China Customs Statistics Trade Data, Importing China compliance service
HS Code, Customs Tariff Number, Taric - European Database Find all customs tariff numbers and harmonized codes from the European external trade statistics in German, English and French from 2009 until today. Section 1 Live animals; animal products ...
HS CODE search guidance 1.首先通过最权威的海关官网查询:http://www.hscode.com.cn/(tips:验证码需要区分大小写)一般大类的东西比较容易查到。2.若无相关信息可以从百度尝试搜索:http://www.baidu.com/(关键字:产品名称加HSCODE)2.点开第一个进去,就找到其HSCODE。但这还不能结束,还应该到海关...
第四章:乳品;蛋品;天然蜂蜜;其他食用动物产品 第五章:其他动物产品 第二类 植物产品 (6-14章) 第六章:活树及其他活植物;鳞茎、根及类似品;插花及装饰用簇叶 第七章:食用蔬菜、根及块茎 第八章:食用水果及坚果;柑桔属水果或甜瓜的果皮 第九章:咖啡、茶、马黛茶及调味香料 ...
1. 查询HTS CODE:进入上述网站,在Tariff Assistance项下Search the currentHarmonized Tariff Schedule...下的搜索框中输入输入中国HSCODE的前六位数,如台灯940520***,搜索结果页面的左边框有详细的HTS CODE,根据自己的产品选择HTSCODE。 查询美国HS CODE和进口关税,注意了的文档下载:PDFDOCTXT 所...