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All the information, data and documents are provided by ETCN only for your reference. ETCN promises to collect and edit them in due care but shall not be liable for their correction and accuracy. In case of any discrepancy, official versions and interpretations shall prevail.IMPORTANT...
Order code: HS6-DIFF-1000XM EAN: 7423619798794 Price: € 1,950.00 Add to cart Hardware features Software features Specifications Models Package contents Downloads This powerful USB 3.0 super speed oscilloscope combines fast sampling up to 1 GSa/s with high resolutions of 12, 14 and 16 bit ...
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Order code: HS4-DIFF-50 EAN: 7423642072052 Price: € 1,827.00 Add to cart Hardware features Software features Specifications Models Package contents Downloads The Handyscope HS4 DIFF is a 4 channel differential USB oscilloscope with a maximum sampling speed of 50MSa/s and 128 Kpts memory per...
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Download Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 Drivers Make sure to download the USB Drivers as per the ‘Installation Method’ you chose. For automatic/direct installation: Advertisement 32-bit version:QDLoader_HS-USB_Driver_32bit_Setup.exe 64-bit version:QDLoader_HS-USB_Driver_64bit_Setup.exe ...
商品描述 英文名称Other parts for television cameras, video camera recorders and digital cameras 所属分类及章节 类目第十六类 机器、机械器具、电气设备及其零件;录音机及放声机、电视图像、声音的录制和重放设备及其零件、附件(84~85章) 章节第八十五章 电机、电气设备及其零件;录音机及放声机、电视图像、声音...