The responsibility of providing the HS code is always that of the shipper. You can find the HS code for your product via your country’s government website, or by using DHL Express’ dedicated MyGTS (Global Trade Services) tool. How to get the HS code for a product The structure of ...
对企业正常运营的影响是无法想象的。最后我们提供HScode查询功能 外贸朋友还可以在我们系统中通过hscode编码搜索出您想要得采购商信息,也可以分析您产品国际贸易趋势等。在系统中输入产品英文名称,也可以帮您判断国际上使用得hscode编码情况哦~
HS编码,全称《商品名称及编码协调制度的国际公约》(International Convention for Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System),是国际贸易中商品分类的一种通用标准目录,被誉为国际贸易的“语言”,也被称为“HS编号”、“进出口统计项目编号”、“关税编号”或“税号”等。 在国际贸易中,HS编码如同商品的身份...
You cannot use Schedule B codes in place of HTS codes for import classifications. Example: Schedule B Codes You can look up Schedule B Codes here using the Census Bureau's search tool: When Not to Use a Code Some exporters prefer not to include an HS code on their commercial invoices. ...
HS编码,全称《商品名称及编码协调制度的国际公约》(International Convention for Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System),是国际贸易中商品分类的一种通用标准目录,被誉为国际贸易的“语言”,也被称为“HS编号”、“进出口统计项目编号”、“关税编号”或“税号”等。在国际贸易中,HS编码如同商品的...
DHL Express Malaysia has developed a useful tool on its website to simplify the HS Code search process for goods from various countries. Follow these 4 steps to find your HS code instantly:- Step 1: Go to the MyGTS website Begin your search with the DHL Express Global Trade Services (My...
The HS is a versatile tool used for various purposes in international trade and beyond: Customs Tariffs: More than 200 countries utilize the HS as the basis for their customs tariffs, ensuring consistency in tariff application. Trade Statistics: Over 98% of international trade merchandise is classi...
The US Census Bureau provides a free online Schedule B search tool that you can use to look up Schedule B Codes for your products. Check it out at: Is HS Code the same for all countries?
Latest China HS Code & tariff for 969 hot-rolled steel tool - Tariff & duty, regulations & restrictions, landed cost calculator, customs data for 969 hot-rolled steel tool in ETCN. China customs statistics trade data.
HSS Steel core Drill Bit hole saw cutter set for Metal Wood Alloy / Plastic / Aluminum $0.38 - $3.40 Min. order: 10 pieces NAS 907 Type B HSS Jobber Length Drills $0.10 Min. order: 100 pieces Power tool company hss polished drill bit sets high quality Hss drill bits $2.29 Min. orde...