Goods under this HS code » Unit piece/kilogramGen (General Tariff Rate) 100MFN (Most-favored Nation) 15 TaxVAT (Value-added Tax): 13Additional Tariff on U.S. Imports Export Tax Rebate 13 Regulations & Restrictions Inspection & Quarantine Consumption Tax FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax) Vi...
Refine Your Search: spraying-fansUpdated: 01/25/2024 Sorry, no matches were found for "spraying-fans" HS Code Navigation :1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 13 HS Keyword Navigation :A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| G| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T|...
maintained by the World Customs Organization (WCO), and currently in its sixth edition, known as HS 2022. In contrast, the HTS code is a country-specific extension of the HS code used for calculating tariffs and duties in that particular country. Each country has its own tariff schedule...
Pulse Contributors Commits Code frequency Dependency graph Network Forks This network is too big to show all forks as a tree. To sort, filter, and see more results, switch to the list view. Forks switch to list view Zulko / moviepy 2361818577 / moviepy 2php / moviepy 410063005 / ... provide 8414519900 China HS code search lookup,china customs import duty,tax,tariff rate ,CIQ inspection Quarantine search service
商品名(英文)Axial-flow fans for heat elimination of electronic products CIQ代码8414599050101:电子产品散热用轴流风扇(换气扇I类器具) 8414599050102:电子产品散热用轴流风扇(换气扇II类器具) 8414599050103:电子产品散热用轴流风扇(换气扇III类器具) 8414599050104:电子产品散热用轴流风扇(换气扇0I类器具) 8414599050105... provide HS code 8414511000 China Customs Declaration; Customs Clearance,CIQ Inspection and quarantine agent service
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The HS code system is a set of uniform, internationally recognized codes used to identify products for import purposes. Each code consists of at least six digits, often followed by optional extra digits, that precisely identify what a product is, based on its specific features, components, purpo...
or./play GAME -hto view a game's source code and documentation if any. If you don't have bash, cd into each*/GAMEdirectory and try runningGAME.hs. If that fails, look for running clues in that file, a readme, or theplayscript. ...