Hscode 3301299999 编码描述 其他非柑橘属果实的精油 归类实例 椰子油COCONUT OIL | absolutearomas椰子基础油500ml | 艾油 | 松油 | 桧油 | 梓油 | 脂檀油 | 苦橙油 | 龙蒿油 | 柏树油 | 苦艾油 | 杉子油 | 蜡菊油 Hscode 3824999910 编码描述 粗制碳化硅 归类实例 氢化椰子油甘油酯| 增稠剂(...
3301299999 椰子油COCONUT OIL 子目注释 | 实例 | 详情 2106904000 Koh Coconut椰子水 子目注释 | 实例 | 详情 1905900000 黑白配(椰子)60G 子目注释 | 实例 | 详情 0801199000 椰子果酱(椰酱) 子目注释 | 实例 | 详情 1513110000 椰子油(工业用) 子目注释 | 实例 | 详情 3307490000 香片[清甜椰子] 子目注释...
英文名称 Coconut or dried coconut oil cake and solid residue 所属分类及章节 类目 第4类 食品;饮料、酒及醋;烟草、烟草及烟草代用品的制品 章节 第23章 食品工业的残渣及废料;配制的动物饲料 海关监管证件代码中每个字母代表 监管证件代码 监管证件名称 监管证件代码 监管证件名称 1 进口许可证 O 自动进口许...
HS code 150420602 is for edible vegetable oils and fats, including coconut oil. These oils and fats are commonly used in cooking and baking, and are a staple ingredient in many cuisines around the world. Bound?Free Every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has...
GTA (Global Trade Analysis System), the world's largest trade intelligence database shows that there are 100 China Importers of Other coconut oils and separation (HS CODE 15131900) in 2017 按采购金额排序 Ranked by import amount 排名Rank 1 2 公司名称 嘉里特种油脂(上海)有限公司 南海油脂工业(赤...
Latest China HS Code & tariff for Extra virgin coconut oil - Tariff & duty, regulations & restrictions, landed cost calculator, customs data for Extra virgin coconut oil in ETCN. China customs statistics trade data.
1513110000Crude coconut(copra)oil, not chemicallly modified CIQ Code »101:Virgin edible coconut oil 990:Virgin edible coconut oil 999:Virgin edible coconut oil Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Processing methods (primarily squeezing, or not);3:Degree of processing (without...
1516200000氢化椰子油HYDROGENATED COCONUT OIL 1516200000氢化椰子油HARDENED COCONUT OIL 1516200000氢化椰子油 1516200000氢化植物脂 1516200000氢化植物油(乳化剂) 1516200000氢化植物油脂粉(代可可脂) 1516200000氢化植物油脂LIPOCIRE A 1516200000氢化植物油脂(食用氢化油) ...
HS CODE Chapter 15 ANIMAL OR VEGETABLE FATS, OILS & WAXES 4 digits 1501 lard, other pig fat and poultry fat, rendered 1502 fats , bovine, sheep Or goat, raw Or rendered 1503 lard stearin/lard oil/etc not emulsified or preprd 1504 fats & oils, their fractions, fish & marine mammal ...
China HS Code Directory tree lookup HS code: 2306500000 Oil-cake and other solid residues of coconut or copra, resulting from the extraction of vegetable fats or oils, other than those of heading No.23.04 or 23.05 椰子或干椰肉油渣饼及固体残渣; ...