英文名称 calcium carbonate 所属分类及章节 类目 第6类 化学工业及其相关工业的产品 章节 第28章 无机化学品;贵金属、稀土金属、放射性元素及其同位素的有机及无机化合物 海关监管证件代码中每个字母代表 监管证件代码 监管证件名称 监管证件代码 监管证件名称 1 进口许可证 O 自动进口许可证(新旧机电产品) 2 两用...
基本信息 HS商品编码:2836500000 商品名称 :碳酸钙 申报要素 :0:品牌类型;1:出口享惠情况;2:成分含量;3:用途;4:品牌;5:GTIN;6:CAS; 海关监管条件:A 检验检疫类别:R/ 备注: 英文名称:Calcium carbonate 编码状态 :正常 税率信息 普通税率:45%
hs2836500000(undefined)的详细信息,邦阅hs查询具有强大的商品编码及关税查询、商品编码、海关编码、hs编码查询数据库,可提供全面、准确的商品编码查询,海关编码查询,海关编码查询系统,hs code查询,hs code,海关hs商品编码查询等查询服务。
2836500000碳酸钙 CALCIUM CARBONATE LIGHT USP32 2836500000碳酸钙 CACO3 103A 2836500000碳酸钙 25公斤/袋 2836500000碳酸钙 2836500000矿物纤废碎料 2836500000石粉 2836500000瓶装碳酸钙粉 2836500000球型纳米碳酸钙 2836500000环保塑料添加剂 2836500000涂料级微细轻质碳酸钙 ...
HS Code 283650 Production Capacity 10000 Tons/Month Product Description Natural Calcium Carbonate SL-3000 3000MESH Widely applied in Industries such as rubber, plastics, papermaking, paint, building, toothpaste, etc. It can make rubber easy to mix and disperse;The extension, tensile stre...
超细碳酸钙粉ULTRAFINE CALCIUM CARBONATE POWDER 子目注释 | 实例 | 详情 3204170090 有机色粉/有机颜料30%/碳酸钙19.51%/碳黑粉19.4% 子目注释 | 实例 | 详情 3204170010 有机色粉/有机颜料30%/碳酸钙19.51%/碳黑粉19.4% 子目注释 | 实例 | 详情 3915200000 粉体边角料ABS树脂50%固化剂5%碳酸钙25%重晶石...
GTA (Global Trade Analysis System), the world's largest trade intelligence database shows that there are 37 PERU Importers of CALCIUM CARBONATE. (HS CODE 283650) in 2017 按采购金额排序 Ranked by import amount 排名Rank 1 公司名称/Company Name QUIMPAC SA 2 CLOROX PERU SA 3 LUZBER SAC 4 MO...
GTA (Global Trade Analysis System), the world's largest trade intelligence database shows that there are 408 China Importers of Calcium carbonate (HS CODE 28365000) in 2017 按采购金额排序 Ranked by import amount 排名Rank 1 2 公司名称 谢菲尔考克碳酸钙(杭州)有限公司 中烟摩迪(江门)纸业有限公司 ...
Modified calcined kaolin from 25070010 cables Industrial cable talcum powder The cable is talcum powder Cable grade talcum powder Special talc powder for wire and cable Cable asphalt 27101992.00 cable special grease Special grease for cable Cable rubber microcrystalline paraffin wax Calcium carbonate for ...
HS code 282490200 refers to `Calcium carbonate`. It is commonly used as a filler and pigment in various industries including paper, paint, and plastics. Bound?5.5% Every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all...