WTO 贸易交易 commodities code 有多个级别 比如 01 就是HS 2-digit 0101 就是HS4- digit
Commodities shipped within ASEAN normally use the eight digit AHTN classification, but the six digit HS codes are also considered valid. How to use the HS code Businesses are encouraged to indicate the HS code in their shipping documents to ensure a uniform mode of clearance every time. ...
HS Code, up to 6 digit level is followed internationally and is common to all countries. In every country’s tariff Schedule that are using the Harmonized System, 2-digit, 4-digit and 6-digit codes are the same all over the world. In other words, these codes represent the same product...
In the US, the term HTS code is used for US Imports and can Include a further 2-4 digits onto the defined 6 above. This may be the 10-digit code for EU Imports in the EU, otherwise known as 'TARIC'. Your region of importation will define what additional digits you will need, if...
Globally 5,000 commodity groups identified in a six digit code, first 2 digit define for chapter level, 4 digit define for Sub-Heading, 6 digit define for Product, further 10 digit level are specify for managed to the commodities. India HS Classification Code China HS Classification Code ...
The HS Code structure Each HS code consists of at leastsix digits, usually written in the format ‘XXXX.XX’. These six digits combine three sets of the hierarchical two-digit codes used in the HS code system. For shippers, the process of finding the right HS code for your product starts...
HS Code:A 6-digit international standard developed and maintained by the World Customs Organization (WCO) for classifying traded products, used internationally by most trading nations. HTS Code:A country-specific extension version of the HS code, which adds extra digits for more specific product...
As you can see, the first six digits (the HS numbers) are identical. The difference comes in the last four digits. Though the HS code subheading is the same, the HTUSUS for umbrellas is one digit different than the German code, making it incorrect....
How many digits are there in HS code? Some of you may get confused about the number of digits in HS code. Does HS code contain 2 digit, 4 digits,6 digits,8 digits or 10 digits. Let me explain in simple language to make you understand easily about HS code which is also known as ...
Duty Rate Calculation: Duty rates depend on the HS Code, origin country, destination, and local regulations. Using the correct HS Code ensures accurate duty calculation.Choosing the Right HS CodeEasyship's dashboard integrates the full database of 6-digit HS Codes from the World Customs Organizat...