DM3.61新版+DM插件增强版2.0含有GPA插件EELS安装+EMD文件插件EDtools、HRTEM_Filter 2499 0 04:05 App GMS3.53新版本Digitalmicrograph TEM图像处理和分析软件GPA插件EELS安装 1200 0 04:53 App 免费分享DM3.2新版+GPA插件EELS安装+EMD文件插件velox安装GMS-Digitalmicrograph 3.2 1854 2 03:43 App SketchUp(SU)...
Wiener filterAperiodic structureAtomic displacementQuantitative measurementHRTEMModern Cs-corrected high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) has pushed the resolution limit to sub-angstrom scale and has made possible the quantitative analyses of local aperiodic atomic structures. After images have...
Wiener filterAperiodic structureAtomic displacementQuantitative measurementHRTEMModern Cs-corrected high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) has pushed the resolution limit to sub-angstrom scale and has made possible the quantitative analyses of local aperiodic atomic structures. After images have...