femhrt is used to treat symptoms ofmenopausesuch ashot flashes, and vaginal dryness, burning, and irritation. femhrt is also used to preventosteoporosisafter menopause. Warnings You should not use femhrt if you have:undiagnosed vaginal bleeding, liver disease, ableeding disorder, if you will hav...
the'changeoflife'andismarkedbythe WHAT?Itbedefinedwithcertaintyaftertwelvemonths'spontaneousamenorrhoea.Endofreproductivelife.RELATEDTERMINOLOGY Pre-menopause 1YEAR Post-menopause MENOPAUSEPeri-menopause“Climacteric〞Age〔years〕WHEN?Menopausalage:45-55years〔mean:50.7years〕Ifthemenopauseoccursinawomanwhois...
The risk increased with duration of use, and appeared to return to baseline over about 5 years after stopping treatment (only the observational studies have substantial data on risk after stopping). Observational studies also suggest that the risk of breast cancer was greater, and became apparent ...
WHAT ?Menopause is a deviation of the ancient Greek words menos ( month) and pauses (ending).The menopause is sometimes known as the change of life and is marked by the ending of menstruation. 第二页,共五十四页。 WHAT?It be defined with certainty after twelve months spontaneous amenorrho...
Review the woman 3 months after starting HRT and once each year thereafter.At 3-months:Enquire about bleeding patterns 28、, check blood pressure, and body weight.Assess the effectiveness of treatment and adjust to achieve symptom control.Enquire about adverse effects and manage appropriately.422021...
Reflux symptoms were significantly more common in severely obese (i.e., BMI >35) men and women than in normal-weight individuals (odds ratios, 3.3 for men and 6.3 for women). Among severely obese women, risk for reflux symptoms was significantly greater before than after menopause (ORs, 6.8...
A meta-analysis of participant data in The Lancet from the Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer found that some excess risk of breast cancer with systemic HRT persists for more than 10 years after stopping. The study found that for women of average weight in developed count...
Some symptoms appear a few months before your periods stop and some symptoms can last for years after. As menopause can also lead to osteoporosis, you may have to take it for longer if that’s a concern. It’s important to have regular reviews with your doctor and to discuss how long ...
nMenopause is a deviation of the ancient Greek words menos ( month) and pauses (ending).nThe menopause is sometimes known as the 'change of life' and is marked by the ending of menstruation. WHAT?n nIt be defined with certainty after twelve months' spontaneous amenorrhoea. n nEnd of ...
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