A numerical summary of this analysis can be found in Supplementary Table S6. Furthermore, a comparison of the general APS/AUROC trends across the three models can be found in Supplementary Fig. S1. To investigate the model’s performance further, we carried out an analysis to assess the ...
transdermally (patches – Table 28.3 and Table 28.4 or gels), subcutaneously as implants (Figure 28.1), as a nasal spray (Aerodiol – estradiol hemihydrate – Servier) or by a vaginal ring (Menoring – estradiol acetate – Galen Ltd). The nasal spray and vaginal...
PIII-21 Comparison of quality of life between children and adolescents with coeliac disease and inflammatory bowel disease – a survey among patients and their caregivers F. Petersen, I. J. Broekaert, C. Hünseler Paediatric Gastroenterology, University of Cologne Introduction: Aim of this study ...