2.The influences of operation conditions such ashydraulic retention time(HRT) and volume ratio of air to water on treatment effects were researched,and the stability running performance of the experimental installation were investigated too.研究了水力停留时间(HRT)、气水体积比等操作条件对处理效果的影响...
1) hydraulic retention time (HRT) 总水力停留时间(HRT) 2) total water content 总水 1. The changes oftotal water contentand free water content in burley tobacco leaf during the curing process in different humidity treatments controlled under both the artificial and natural conditions were studied ...
Simultaneously to these conversions, 2 kg VSSCOD are generated as purge stream and 35 kg COD are eliminated during the process.LigeroP.De VegaA.SotoM.Water Science & TechnologyLigero P,De Vega A,Soto M.Influence of HRT (hydraulic retention time) and SRT (solid retention time) on the ...
Oestrogen is an excitatory hormone, which if in excess causes inflammation, water retention and an increase in MMP's (enzymes that break down tissue). MMP's and oestrogen are high in cancer and inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, lupus, endometriosis, in fact all autoimmune diseases. Not ...
and9.55% respectivelyin winter,and38.62%,55.99%,62.64% and68.69%respectivelyinsummerbythecircularplug—type st~lesurfaeeflowwetland. Keywords: stablesurfaceflowwetland; hydraulicretentiontime; season; domesticsewage 稳定表流湿地可以利用荒废的河道、沼泽地、峡 ...
15.Clinical observation of heart rate variability and heart rate turbulence in patients with acute myocardial infarction combined insulin resistance急性心肌梗死并胰岛素抵抗患者HRV、HRT的临床观察 16.Impact of Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) in ABR on Its Operation Performance and Granular Sludge Characteristi...
HRT Options, Best Practices, and some other semi-related stuff… Water Retention Effects of Estrogen Dominance and How to Beat Them Here are 8 strategies you can try if you are bothered by estrogen-related water retention symptoms. You can do one or all of them.…Read More ...
plantswereanalyzedunderdifferenthydraulicretentiontime.Resultsshowedthattheoptimalhydraulicretentiontimewas5d,andthe averageremovalrateofTN.TP,CODamongthewetlandplantswas81.80%,77.51%,and55.25%,higherthanthatofthecontrol groups.TheremovalcapacityofTPwereorderedasfollows:Typhaorientalis>Deye~iaangustifolia>Sagittaria£...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a method for forming a coating film, capable of providing a laminated coating film excellent in so-called total durability such as luster retention, water repellency retention, acid resistance, scratching resistance, etc., having extremely high clarity and practicalit...
Keywords: hydraulic retention time soluble microbial products nitrification and denitrification phosphorus removal granular sludge 反硝化除磷工艺(denitrifying phosphate removal,DPR)通过富集反硝化聚磷菌(denitrifying phosphate accumulating organisms,DPAOs)实现同步脱氮除磷,节省了为好氧吸磷提供的曝气量和反硝化所需...