[44] Brown EJ, Deshmukh P, Antell K. Contraception Update: Oral Contraception. FP Essent, 2017,462:11-19. [45] Schindler AE, Campagnoli C, Druckmann R, et al. Classification and pharmacology of progestins. Maturi...
MHT can be prescribed without restriction in women previously treated for mucinous and serous BOT without high-risk histological criteria (grade C). Conclusion. - Hormonal contraception can be used after BOT. The histological characteristics of the tumour must be taken into account when deciding on ...
but that the risks of continuing therapy are still undefined.22 A consensus statement by the Society for Perioperative Assessment and Quality Improvement (SPAQI) acknowledges that manufacturer package inserts for both oral contraception and hormone replacement therapy recommend discontinuation for four weeks...
HRT is not a method of contraception, and women who start HRT who are not yet truly postmenopausal should be advised to continue with a standard contraceptive method. There is no fixed duration of time for taking HRT, and women should be managed as individuals. Most women take it for about...