ALVI SN,HAMMAMI MM.Validated HPLC method for deter-mination of caffeine level in human plasma using synthetic plasma:application to bioavailability studies[J].J Chromatogr Sci,2011,49(9):292Alvi SN, Hammami MM (2011) Validated HPLC Method for Determination of Caffeine Level in Human Plasma ...
GENSCENT○R ---Optical Brightener 宝润化工 技术资料 GENSCENT KCB 荧光增白剂 KCB 一,产品性质 产品外观:黄绿色结晶粉末 结构类型:蔡苯并恶唑型 熔点: 210~212℃ 荧光色调: 蓝亮白色光 溶解性:不溶于水,能溶于通常的有机溶剂 二,产品用途 本产品可用于塑料薄膜,注塑成型材料,EVA 发泡塑料及橡胶.品的赠...