Courses Tips SEO Resources Communication View All Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc imperdiet rhoncus arcu non aliquet. Sed tempor mauris a purus porttitor, ac convallis arcu venenatis. Donec lorem erat, ornare in augue at, pharetra cursus mauris. ...
However, as per statutory laws in India, the concept of redundancy cannot be applied if the retrenchment is not done on fair reasons. That is, if there is any kind of partiality in retrenchment. Companies have to justify the retrenchment with proper reason to government authority who is examin...
The Apprentices Act in India was enacted in 1961 and implemented in 1962. This act regulates apprenticeship training by standardizing the syllabus, training period etc. of the program. The terms are controlled by the Central Apprenticeship Council. In 1973, the act was amended to include trainings...
The ADP Research Institute’sPeople at Work 2022: A Workforce ViewAsia Pacific findings highlight the central challenge in this story. 67% of employee respondents in India are concerned they did not have the skills necessary to keep up with technological changes in the workplace, which could im...
Starbucks has shown a trend in sales since early 2009 that allude to the fall of the “great coffeehouse empire”. Because of this troubling news, executives at Starbucks have began to look deeper into the strengths and weakness of the organization and have tried to build courses of action ...
Academic Main Courses: Management of Human Resources Production and Operation Management Strategic Management Quality Management Marketing / International Trade Principles of Management Groundwork of Accounting Economic Law English Skills: Have a good command of both spoken and written English. ...
In India, we have very few craft union of industrial workers but we can commonly found the union of white collar workers and professionals like association of teachers, government employees, doctors, bank employees etc. Hence, this concludes the definition of Craft Union along with its overview....
office. Company A found a person in their international office in India with the knowledge in these three languages. So, they assigned her the project under a global assignment and she was asked to relocate to the main headquarters located in the United States for the duration of the project...
When the work is contracted to a company that does not reside in the same country. India and China have emerged as popular destinations for offshore outsourcing. 2. Near-shore outsourcing When the work is contracted to a company that resides in the neighboring country or country whi...
Equality in workplaces is very rampant now a days. We see many organizations considering diversion and inclusion as major part of their recruitment process. Tata Steel had a provision for LGBT even before section 377 was abolished from India. We have seen Chanda Kochhar and Indra Nooy...