方法/步骤 1 1.1 在电脑上开启编程软件vs2013,同时开启编译后运行报错的项目,准备工作就绪。2 1.2 在目标项目(运行出错的软件项目)上单击鼠标右键,选择‘属性’。进入到项目的属性配置页面。3 1.3 在项目的属性页面中,选择‘生成’,设置‘目标平台’为‘X86’,也就是windows 32位的意思。4 1.3.1 这...
Client side extension could not remove computer policy settings for ' ' because it failed with error code '0x8007000d The data is invalid.' Client-Side Extension could not apply user policy settings / There is a time and/or date difference between the client and server Cloud Content? I c...
错误代码0x8007000B:这个错误代码通常表示“坏格式的文件”。在C#中,这通常与尝试加载一个不兼容的程序集有关。 2. 检查程序格式 确认架构兼容性:确保你尝试加载的DLL或程序集与你的应用程序和操作系统的架构相匹配。例如,如果你的应用程序是64位的,那么它不能加载一个32位的DLL。 csharp // 你可以使用以下代...
DirectSound测试结果:步骤19(用户验证软件)上有故障:HRESULT=0x00000000(错误码)请问怎么解决这个问 这个很正常,通常没有声音都显示。主要原因是声卡的驱动程序有问题,要不找个最新的声卡驱动装上,要不卸了再装,一般问题可以解 TABCTL32.OCX已加载 但对DLLREGISTERSERVER调用失败,错误为0x8000201c 以管理员的身份运...
.net core调用Oracle 存储过程提示“试图加载格式不正确的程序。 (0x8007000B)” 提示“”at System.Data.OracleClient.Oci.OciCalls.OciNativeCalls.OCIEnvCreate(IntPtr& envhpp, OciEnvironmentMode mode, IntPtr ctxp, IntPtr malocfp, IntPtr ralocfp, IntPtr mfreep, Int32 xtra... ...
C# DLLImport Error: An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.( Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007000B). C# DLLnotFoundException C# Draw a rotated image at its center C# Dynamic delegate for getter and setter of dynamically created class using reflection C# dynamic file dire...
DataSource Controls :: Invalid Cast Exception When Trying To Utilize A SQL MAX Function Within C Sharp Code? Mar 30, 2010 The error that I get from this code states that the cast is invalid and that the number must be less than infinity. [Code]... By...
OLE_E_INVALIDRECT 0x8004000D -2147221491 OLE_E_WRONGCOMPOBJ 0x8004000E -2147221490 OLE_E_INVALIDHWND 0x8004000F -2147221489 OLE_E_NOT_INPLACEACTIVE 0x80040010 -2147221488 OLE_E_CANTCONVERT 0x80040011 -2147221487 OLE_E_NOSTORAGE 0x80040012 -2147221486 DV_E_FORMATETC 0x80040064 -2147221404 DV...
OLE_E_INVALIDRECT 0x8004000D -2147221491 OLE_E_WRONGCOMPOBJ 0x8004000E -2147221490 OLE_E_INVALIDHWND 0x8004000F -2147221489 OLE_E_NOT_INPLACEACTIVE 0x80040010 -2147221488 OLE_E_CANTCONVERT 0x80040011 -2147221487 OLE_E_NOSTORAGE 0x80040012 -2147221486 DV_E_FORMATETC 0x80040064 -2147221404 DV...
DISM Error 0x800f081e specified package is not applicable dism Error 0x800f081e The specified package is not applicable DistributedCOM event ID error 10010 DistributedCOM Error ID 10010 DNS - server forwarders cannot be updated the ip address is invalid DNS bad Key DNS ERROR - parent servers do...