HRECS covers an area of 30.00 sq kms, with a population of over 4Lacs. The organization has Six zones which are called as Copyright @ HRECS 2016 Developed by C-Quad, Belgaum Login:UsernamePassword H U K K E R I R U R A L E L E C T R I C C O - O P E R A T I V...
It is recommended that HRECs explicitly recognise potential risks to researchers, especially those engaged in exploration of sensitive topics, in their processes of approving human research. It is also recommended that researchers consider the possible implications of undertaking this type of research and...
演示网址:博客网址:代码网址:, 视频播放量 210、弹幕量 0、点赞数 18、
最近的研究在小鼠和人类中相继发现了驱动骨和骨髓再生的ECs的特定亚群【3, 4】,这群人类再生相关内皮细胞(human regeneration-associated ECs, hRECs)在胚胎发育和化疗后再生(血管生成、成骨和造血等)期间出现,具有独特的转录景观。内皮细胞可以发生内皮细胞-间充质转化(endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition, EMT或...
从表达GFP慢病毒颗粒的HRMVECs中筛选出对purocin耐药的HRMVECs。细胞冷冻(提供P5代细胞)。推荐使用内皮生长培养基进行细胞培养,当按照推荐方案培养时,细胞可达到16倍增。 GFP-HRMVECs were selected from HRMVECs resistant to puromycin after infected with GFP expressing lentiviral particles. The cells are shipp...
Rapidly adopt and implement the modern digital courtroom to improve citizen access to justice, decrease overhead court operations, increase case throughput, and leverage digital capabilities. Courts around the world are embracing digital justice...
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