CONCEPTS The industry leader in innovation and technology. HRE3D+ Concept 2 The Second Generation LEARN MORE HRE3D+ Concept 1 World’s First 3D Printed Titanium Wheel LEARN MORE
HRE is synonymous with uncompromising standards of engineering, innovation and quality. HRE utilizes cutting edge technology to custom craft forged aluminum wheels for your high-performance or luxury vehicle. The result…the ultimate combination of beauty, strength and light-weight design in the finest...
宏毂锻造轮毂改装15/16/17/18/19/20/21hre寸铝合金适用于全车型 浙江宏毂汽车部件有限公司 3年 回头率: 50% 浙江 台州市 ¥100.00 Passion Forever D01,高强度锻造电车改装轮毂极氪001 SU7 广州飞驰汽车用品有限公司 7年 回头率: 15.7% 广东 广州市白云区 ¥700.00 HRE锻造轮毂个性改装适配...
ProcessElectron Beam Melting MaterialsTitanium Front Wheel20" x 9"16 lbs Rear Wheel21" x 12.5"19 lbs See how it's made HRE’s experience with these cutting-edge technologies in the development of the second-generation HRE3D+ has prompted significant refinements in the technique, opening up exc...
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今天介绍一套#轮毂 #HRE 522M,有觉得漂亮的吗#帅就完事了 - 挺哥爱玩车于20230420发布在抖音,已经收获了1260.8万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!