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In this case, if the bond has one slave that's ARPHRD_ETHER and one that's not, when the active changes from the non-ARPHRD_ETHER slave to the ARPHRD_ETHER slave, it won't call bond_setup_by_slave() to switch the hard_header, rebuild_header, et al, back to the ARPHRD_ETHER ...
一别已是经年yymailb 19-04-25 08:51 来自微博 【鸡蛋拌黄瓜】鸡蛋液打散,加点盐和料酒搅匀;入油锅,炒至成型后盛出,晾凉;黄瓜洗净,擦干,用擀面杖拍扁,然后手掰成小块;香菜切段、大蒜拍扁后剁碎; 将鸡蛋、黄瓜、香菜、大蒜放入盘内添加香油、盐、生抽、糖、陈醋和老干妈辣酱(不吃辣的省略)拌匀...