大鼠双侧颞叶,海马和内嗅皮质的代谢物进行了分析,结果发现这3个脑区的代谢表征存在显著差异.颞叶区的N-乙酰天门冬氨酸和牛磺酸的浓度最高,肌醇和肌酸的浓度最低;海马区的甘氨酸和胆碱的浓度最高;而在内嗅皮质区则是谷氨酰氨的浓度最高.另外,还证实了HR-MAS NMR-PCA技术是研究生理和病理状态下脑组织各亚结构...
必应词典为您提供HR-MAS-NMR的释义,网络释义: 高分辨魔角旋转核磁共振;高分辨魔角旋转技术;
NMRHR MASbreast cancermetabolomicsHigh resolution magic-angle spinning (HR-MAS) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is increasingly used for profiling of breast cancer tissue, delivering quantitative information for approximately 40 metabolites. One unique advantage of the method is that it can...
The pre-processing steps of one-dimensional HR-MAS NMR spectra are presented, including spectral alignment, baseline correction, bucketing, normalisation and scaling procedures. We also highlight some of the models which can be used to perform multivariate analysis on the HR-MAS NMR spectra. ...
HR MAS1H NMRMarine microalgaeMetabolite compositionMultivariate PCANutritional valueOsmolytesSemi-solid samplesWhole cellsMicroalgae provide organic carbon through primary production and although most species are harmless, a few are toxic or otherwise damaging to animal and human life. Microalgae are used to...
HR-MAS NMR研究大鼠颞叶、海马和内嗅皮质的生理代谢表征 刘慧浪;朱航;夏圣安;刘买利 【摘要】颞叶结构参与了多种中枢退行性疾病的发牛和发展.了解生理状念下大鼠的这些脑区的代谢特征可以为动物模型的病理研究提供基础数据和参考.本文采用高分辨魔角旋转核磁共振(HR-MAS NMR)波谱技术和主成分分析(PCA)方法对S.D....
摘要: 九十年代初发展的高分辨魔角核磁共振(HR/MAS NMR)技术直接用于跟踪固相合成反应,提供固载化化合物的结构信息.该技术采用魔角旋转消除非均相溶液中磁化率不同而造成的谱线加宽.另外特殊设计的超微量探头(gHx Nano Probe)与常规的高分辨液相探头关键词: 磁化学分析法 ...
结论: 通过魔角旋转-核磁共振(HR-MASNMR)相关技术对结直肠癌患者提取到的病理组织样本进行代谢组学检测分析,结果表明结直肠癌患者原发灶组织中一些代谢产物发生显著变化,通过HMDB数据库检索,查找到相关代谢产物并最终检测筛选出6种重要的生物代谢物(胆碱,甘氨酸,丙酮酸,琥珀酸,乳酸以及核糖),它们浓度含量的上调与下调...
2006. In vivo P-31 and H-1 HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy analysis of the unstarved Aporrectodea caliginosa (Lumbricidae). Biol Fertil Soils 43:191-198.Bon, D.; Gilard, V.; Massou, S.; Peres, G.; Malet-Martino, M.; Martino, R.; Desmoulin, F. In vivo 31P and 1H HR-MAS NMR ...
NMR spectra to generate a pseudo-two-dimensional NMR spectrum,without needing extra acquisition time.In this paper,STOCSY was used to analyze HR-MAS 1H spectra of rat kidney tissue.Pseudo 2D spectra were generated from a set of 1D HR-MAS NMR spectra and used to observe intramolecular ...