A Corporate Hr Director in Chicopee, MA reported making $12,436 per month Chicopee, MA 1,000 - 3,000 employees Full-Time Company - Public $166,264 Yearly A Corporate Hr Director in Denver, CO reported making $166,264 per year Denver, CO 6 - 1,000 employees Full-Time Company...
This career line is for individuals who are excellent at the job and want to earn a seven-figure salary per month. You can assume the designation in this sector as the topmost HR position in a corporate. To qualify for such a job, one needs a fair amount of experience and an even bet...
5, employee retention rate: the end of the month, the number of employees retained at the beginning of the month the number of employees by 100% 6 months, the loss rate of the total number of employees: the number of employees at the beginning of the month, * 100% month employee turn...
(31)YearsWithCurrManager:跟目前的管理者共事年数 (32)Average_Working_Hours_per_Month:每月平均工时 (33)Average_Working_Hours_per_Month:每月平均工时 (34)Complete_Projects:完成项目数量 (35)Employee_Competence:工作能力 (36)Mistakes:失误次数 (37)Salary:工资区间 (38)Whether_Get_a_Promotion_in_Five_...
(32)Average_Working_Hours_per_Month:每月平均工时 (33)Average_Working_Hours_per_Month:每月平均工时 (34)Complete_Projects:完成项目数量 (35)Employee_Competence:工作能力 (36)Mistakes:失误次数 (37)Salary:工资区间 (38)Whether_Get_a_Promotion_in_Five_Years:五年内是否晋升 ...
a good job because it offers a strategic role, a diverse range of tasks, a competitive earning, and various benefits. In terms of salary, data from Glassdoor revealed that thetotal pay rangeis from 81-127K/year – across all industries. For Malaysia, it’s about MYR18-22K per month....
Business Managers make an average of $127,118 / year in USA, or $65.19 / hr. Try Talent.com's salary tool and access the data you need.
1,salary:monthlywagesdividedby21.75days*month attendancedays 2,monthlypiecewage:piecepriceperunitnumberofthemonth 3,usuallyovertime:monthlywagesof8hours,21.75days,1.5 times**whenthenumberofovertimehours 4,workovertime,monthlywagesof8hours,21.75days,2times ...