A grumpy cat meme, with its signature disdainful look, saying ‘Happy Anniversary, I guess’ can be a humorous way to acknowledge a coworker’s milestone. This blend of sarcasm and humor reflects the evolving nature of workplace humor and celebrations. Happy Work Anniversary Memes To Celebrate...
While I write about Holocaust remembrance every year, this year feels different. The meme #Neveragain feels less certain. Last year, there was the massacre of 11 Jews at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. Plus, there has been a meteoric spike in hate crimes against Jews across the ...
轰君Happy birthday!记录 三紗⚡ 1225 本刊剧透【气氛】 あいだひばり 1776 mhalog④/※暗落デク カデル 1.2w 伙伴-hrak爆豪胜己 ごましお 1.7w 好奶日-MHA爆豪胜己 七寶 366 Kiribaku meme-MHA我的英雄学院【腐】 七寶 632 操守君-動圖心操人使 七寶 1764 御茶子-丽日御茶子hrak しゃちほこ ...
79 -- 8:55 App 【视觉系】MEME cut V援隊TV放送 突撃ライブハウス 129 -- 28:24 App 【视觉系】The 3rd Birthday 180522 限定复活live 563 2 30:41 App 【1080P】キズ 单独公演 「星を踠く天邪鬼」官方切片 229 7 19:03 App 【DazzlingBAD】happy BIRTHDAY mvメイキングオフショット 悠...
发点大家爱吃的 【苦巧克力装饰/AlanBecker】有选领向(? 【alanbecker/选领】kiss or kill tsc:你们俩的感情越来越暧昧了… 【AB柴领/迭】领主/天选 CP向 领选——刀子/殉情 [AB柴]TDL:太自私了 ab柴自制小动画领选微车 黑暗领主曾三度遭到背叛...
Bottas says happy birthday to Coulthard 222 -- 0:36 App 小孩子问博塔斯怎么雨战 A 5 year old asks Valtteri Bottas about driving in the wet. 191 -- 0:47 App 博塔斯遇到粉丝!Valtteri Bottas meets a superfan. 88 -- 4:04 App 世界冠军级的超车 World CHAMPIONSHIP overtake by Max VERSTAPPEN...
and actually, redditors in the internet community were happy to participate, but they weren't whale lovers. a few of them certainly were. but we're talking about a lot of people who were just really interested and really caught up in this great meme, and in fact someone from greenpeace...
and actually, redditors in the internet community were happy to participate, but they weren't whale lovers. a few of them certainly were. but we're talking about a lot of people who were just really interested and really caught up in this great meme, and in fact someone from greenpeace...