Non-Profit Technology Resources Blog Read up on how to build a better workplace Library Check out our eBooks, webinars, and more Events Join us at inspiring events across the country Developers Access documentation on Namely’s API Client Care ...
HR for Nonprofits vs. HR for For-Profit OrganizationsWhy does a non-profit need specialized HR solutions? Despite having the same day-to-day functions as a for-profit business, non-profits have three key fundamental differences that create unique HR challenges:...
Professional employer organizations (PEOs) are HR partners who help nonprofit and for-profit organizations with all HR-related issues, especially those that are most challenging for nonprofits to handle on their own. When your nonprofit partners with a PEO, you unlock the ability to offer more rob...
20/01 5 Reasons Why Non-Profits Need Human Resources (HR) Advice and Support The leaders of non-profits are often passionate and highly skilled but they are generally stretched too thin with heavy workloads and have little time for dealing with staff problems when... ...
Accounting, HR & CFO Services for Nonprofits Schedule a Call with the Nonprofit Team Nonprofit Governance, Stewardship, & Accountability Optima Office is a leader in servicing nonprofit organizations and 501C3’s. We provide nonprofits with services such as board governance, financial and cash ...
For purposes of the Secure Choice IRA program, the state defines “certain private-sector employers” as any “person or entity engaged in a business, industry, profession, trade, or other enterprise in New York State” –including not-for-profit organizations – that has: At all times during...
A 403(b) plan is like a 401(k) and is known as the "unsung hero" of retirement savings. But it's the preferred retirement option for people who work in non-profit organizations, schools, and certain religious groups. Qualified employees can save a portion of their salary for the future...
Since 2007, our portfolio of clients have ranged from small companies to large, for-profit to non-profit, private companies to publicly-traded companies. Our average length of engagement is typically 2 years, as some of customers need a quick project ...
Presents the findings of salary surveys for human resource (HR) professionals. Median total cash compensation for HR professionals; Impact of company size on pay levels; Annual compensation of HR managers at for- and non-profit organizations....
The software is rapidly updated with changes of times such as setting up new earnings codes for COVID related leaves. Easy to use. LINCOLN M. Financial Assistant Non-Profit Organization Paycor provides more services than just payroll. We have the HR feature, the time keeping feature, reports,...