employees 有子表,删除主表数据,需要先删除子表数据再删除主表数据。对于自己的应用,可以对表设置级联删除。这样删除主表就把主子表数据一块删除。
Oracle11g数据库emp表(scott⽤户下)和employees表(hr⽤ 户下)建表语句 由于练习过程中经常误删表,所以记录⼀下建表语句,以便于重新建表:scott.emp:CREATE TABLE "SCOTT"."EMP"( "EMPNO" NUMBER(4,0),"ENAME" VARCHAR2(10),"JOB" VARCHAR2(9),"MGR" NUMBER(4,0),"HIREDATE" DATE,"SAL...
$ sqlplus hr/hr@pdb1...SQL> select table_name from user_tables;TABLE_NAME---COUNTRIESREGIONSLOCATIONSDEPARTMENTSJOBSEMPLOYEESJOB_HISTORY7 rows selected.SQL> select count(*) from employees;COUNT(*)---107 在MySQL上安装hr schema 在MySQL上也可以安装和Oracle同样的hr schema,参见:
3,安装完成后,检查hr用户及该用户下创建的表 SQL> conn hr/hr Connected. SQL> SELECT table_name FROM user_tables; TABLE_NAME --- COUNTRIES JOB_HISTORY EMPLOYEES JOBS DEPARTMENTS LOCATIONS REGIONS 7 rows selected.
As staffing became a bigger priority, healthcare executives also gained a greater understanding of the value of doing more for existing employees and the positive impact HR can have with the right support. For example, HR teams now have leadership’s blessing to invest in employee engagement prog...
In your Oracle 12c database, you invoke SQL *Loader Express Mode command to load data:$> sqlldr hr/hr table=employeesWhich two statements are true about this command? (Choose two.) A、 It succeeds and creates the EMPLOYEES table in the HR schema if the table does not exist. B、 It...
E.ON, one of Europe’s largest energy companies, has selectedOracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management (HCM)to manage its global HR operations and deliver a more engaging and personalized experience for its 75,000+ employees. With Oracle Cloud HCM, E.ON will be able to centralize HR proce...