Some questions to ask the recruiter: 一些适合问招聘人员的问题: * How would you describe the company culture? * What type of employees tend to excel at this company? * Can you tell me more about the interview process? 8 * 你怎样形容这家公司的企业文化? * 什么类型的员工能在这家...
以德勤今年公布的Porcess为例,AC面包括了群面和单面,内容包括Case Study和Partner Interview。 其中涉及的方方面面之多,从Behavioural Questions到专业知识,绝不是一两天就能轻松准备完的。 图/德勤官网 眼看着秋招正进入紧张关头, 为什么你总在面试关“凉凉” 殊不知面试场上明枪易躲暗箭难防 面试官的暗箭早已把...
* May also interest you:HR Director interview questions. Tell us about the biggest HR issue/challenge you’ve ever faced. This is no entry level position and you ratherpick something BIG. Ideally something thatrelies to the overall business strategy, or some challenge that could not be solved...
If you have learned about the company beforehand, this is a great opportunity to show that you put in the effort to study before the interview. Ask questions about the company's mission in relation to current industry trends, and engage the interviewer in interesting, relevant conversation. Addi...
招聘面试 外资企业面试 HR提问大 全 Section 1 启动 1. Did you have any trouble finding us? 2. How do you know about this job and organization? 3. What kind of work do you want to do? 4. How would your friends describe you? Your professors? 5. What else should I know about you?
One of my strategic goals for this year is to find 100 case studies across the HR world, categorize them, and then use them as a reference any time I need some examples of how real companies are facing challenges, solving problems, etc. And don’t let the term “case study” frighten...
民权法 Case study method:案例研究方法 Authority:职权 Exploration stage:探索阶段 Stress interview:压力面试 Benefits:福利 实际工作者 practitioner Strictness/leniency:偏紧/偏松 Bias:个人偏见 Behavior modeling:行为模拟 投资回报 return on investment Boycott:联合抵制 领导行为 leader behavior 生产能力 capacity ...
☆ How do you conduct an interview? Are you good at interviewing people? ☆ Tell us about the different recruitment tools that you’ve used. ☆ What are the differences between recruitment and selection? ☆ If you were hiring a person for this job, what would you look for? ☆ What skill...
Interview process: are communications and instructions clear? Do you know what to expect and who you’ll be interacting with? Assessments: does the assessment add value? What is the perception from the candidate side–are the questions relevant and helpful?
Discovering the process of recruiting great talent, from job analysis to writing interview questions and job postings Learning about a performance management process with more impact. The course is suited for anyone interested in HR, management, and related fields. No advanced preparation or prerequisit...