?? Well, turns out I have minor Right Bundle Branch Block. Some people (me) can then have Rate Dependent Right Bundle Branch Block. When your heart goes into tachycardia (like they all do when you ride hard) it initiates the RBBB. The chest strap monitor appears to be unable to see ...
1. Make sure the frequency limits are set correctly (MIN FREQ and checkbox) 2. Select a less restrictive set of sections (genres or time periods) 3. Check the search syntax formula: 2256 omitted: 1062 the: 743 and: 469 is: 267 of: 265 #: 220 for: 209 acad: 203 a: 158 2018: 1...
篇1:专业口译词汇三 p. 派出所localpolicestation 跑龙套utilityman,playabitrole,generalhandyman 泡沫经济bubbleeconomy 配股allotmentofshares 配套政策supportingpolicies 培养跨世纪人才bringup(foster)cross-century(trans-century)specialists 棚户shacks;familythatliveinshacks 碰钉子getsnubbed 碰头会briefmeeting(abrief,...
篇1:石油英语词汇(K) k e 动能 k factor 电极系系数;仪器常数;导热系数 k shell electron k层 k 白垩系 k 波数 k节 k 绝对温度 k 科尼斯布格比 k千 k 阴极 k-ar age method 钾氩年龄测定法 k-ar dating 钾氩法测定年龄 k-band radar imagery k波段雷达成象 k-band k频带 k-braced structure 具...