109th US Congress - HR 4954 SAFE Port ActCongress, US
Granderson drove in three runs. New York set a team record with its 97th home run at home in a season, topping the 96 at Shea Stadium in 2006. Danny Espinosa matched a career high with his 21st homer for Washington. The Nationals still lead the Mets by 8 1/2 games with l...
Proc XVIth IAHR Congress, Sao Paulo, Vol 3, pp 541-548. 54 WITHERSW.J. (1989). Pressure fluctuations downstream of concrete arch spillway dams. Paper for Scottish branch of ICE. 55 TABLES. TABLE I Distribution (a) y/Bo = o of mean veLocity i.n free jet Local velocity / Mean ...
H.R. 6090 Antisemitism Awareness Act:https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/6...
CRS Report for Congress - Electric Utility Provisions in House-Passed H.R. 6, 109th CongressAbel, Amy
(2006). Bill summary & status 109th Congress (2005-2006) S.843 CRS summary. Retrieved from http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d109:SN00843:@@@D& summ2=m&The Library of Congress (2005b). Bill summary & status 109th congress (2005-- 2006) S.250. Retrieved July 15, 2007,...
Acute Renal Failure – Towards 2000 A Satellite Symposium of the XIVth Internation a1 Congress of Nep hrologydoi:10.3109/08860229709037225NoneRenal Failure