#药明康德#虽然hr8333未被纳入ndaa,但是法案可能被拿出来单独立法。目前法案有两个版本,house bill hr8333, senate bill 3558,目前可能前者会通过。这个法案会禁止联邦政府采购包括药明系在内中国公司的产品和服务,但是给了八年的缓冲期,此外法案还可以增加其他中国生物医药公司。法案限制的具体范围还不明确,需要等指南...
House in May 2008 on House Bill 2642, which concerns supplemental appropriations. The House adopted the rule, House Resolution 1197, that would provide for House floor consideration of the Senate amendments to the bill that would serve as the vehicle for supplemental appropriations for the wars in...
sell a bill of goodsInformal To take unfair advantage of. sell down the riverInformal To betray the trust or faith of. sell short 1.To contract for the sale of securities or commodities one expects to own at a later date and at more advantageous terms. ...
I am writing to you urgently about a bill in the Senate that might seriously harm the future o...
The bill has gained bipartisan support.历史上,这些effort几次通过house,并且大部分情况下都获得两党...
海单和货代单啥区别 分单(小单),HOUSE BILL OF LADING,货代可以出,提货时在目的港要换单,换成船公司的才能提货。 因为小 丰富的货运ens操作经验,专业快捷 上海真科认证机构专注货运ens多年,经验丰富,咨询电话:021-67684120广告 申请货运ens认准上海真科 权威第三方机构专业申请货运ens,快捷出号,咨询电话:021-6768...
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(44) Respective House (45) and Senate (46) bills proposing identical additions to the MHRA were introduced in 2016, as was a separate House bill that would revise the Missouri Commission on Human Rights's ("MCHR") complaint process to allow employees to file grievances over discrimination bas...
While you’ll pay to outsource HR tasks, your yearly HR outsourcing bill will likely be much lower than one in-house HR employee’s salary. Hiring a full HR team is extremely costly, especially when you take employee payroll taxes and benefits administration costs into consideration. HR outsour...
https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/1044。 该法案的核心内容:取消职业移民类别的国别配额限制。 在EB职业移民类别,美国移民法强行规定了一个国家配额上限:7%。这个国家配额上限,导致的严重不公平是:如果你是出生于小国家的申请人...