注意,SSH输入密码的时候是不会显示的,它的自动隐藏搞得好像你没输入一样,并不是你卡了,你输完之后按下回车就好。 成功登录后会跳转成这样, 恭喜你,你已经成功使用SSH远程连接你的树莓派! 这部分是一个分差点,因为架构的不同所以需要下载的NAA固件也不同,这里我使用的是树莓派4b,用的是armhf架构,所以要下载ar...
RopieeeXL 通过SSH安装HQPlayer NAA,可以正常使用,但是有两个树莓派,HQP设置NAA经常搜索不到NAA.Roon...
4、局域网内电脑浏览器输入http://moode.local或者直接输入 5、安装NAA NAA安装文件可查看链接网页:https://www.signalyst.eu/bins/naa/linux/buster/ 登录管理系统基于debian 10 64位 用户:root 密码:password 登录后用下列命令安装naa root@moode:~# wget https://www.signalyst....
五、安装NAA NAA安装文件可查看链接网页:https://www.signalyst.eu/bins/naa/linux/buster/ 登录管理系统基于debian 10 64位 用户:root 密码:password 登录后用下列命令安装naa root@moode:~# wget https://www.signalyst.eu/bins/naa/linux/buster/networkaudiod_4.1.1-46_amd64.deb --2022-04-03 10:57:...
Could you still ping and ssh in both directions? Cheers Johan johann 163 King PostedJanuary 4, 2015 victor said: Thanks for listing your steps. I definitely do not see the same behaviour as, as soon as I use the Ethernet cable as connection between HQP and NAA, I do not manage to get...
running embedded. Right now I ssh into the embedded server and manually start/stop hqplayerd and rygel. The Lampizator DAC that I have uses Amanero and is powered using NAA. Is there a way for HQPlayer to send a wake up call to NAA in case it loses contact with the preferred device...
I had the same issue. In talking to Jussi, he said you probably have to login remotely using ssh(?). I never took the time to learn how to do this. For me, it is easiest to use Jussi's NAA images for the specific computers. ...
Does anyone know the command line to install HQPLAYER NAA? "Science draws the wave, poetry fills it with water" Teixeira de Pascoaes HQ Player Desktop/ Mac mini → HQ Player NAA/ CuBox-i → Intona 7054 → RME ADI-2 DAC FS tboooe Posted May 20, 2016 tboooe 2.7k Senior...
Yesterday I did some serus listening tests and in my network the Opticalrendu with NAA Service sounds a little better without the QWave service. Imaging, musical flow and holographics are better without QWave. Xoverman 79 PostedJune 27, 2024 ...
I'm not using HQPlayer NAA on Linux but AFAIK you need to log in first time with keyboard/monitor connected and using root with no password to create a session. Create an ordinary user (web is full of guides for it). Use that new user for SSH connection. I expect the power button...