Cards Decemberby Sylascsida Previous Topic Next Topic Original Post #1 December Options Sylascsida ★★ Newbie Ea you need to fix Lewandowski new Balon dor card you made his left foot his preferred foot not his right. 0 + XP Me too ...
sylasor ★★★ Newbie i just bought the sims 4 and when i tried to install them, it didnt work. When i called game stop they told me that it didnt work for mac's. I cant belive they dont work for mac. They didnt even told me that before i bought them. I had to wait until...
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分析及建议: 首选还是物理降温,发烧本身是不会烧出肺炎的,退热贴贴额头就可以了,起一定的保护作用。发热太反复还是要及时就诊,做个血常规看看感染情况,发热如果太顽固一般是炎症导致。查血常规不是做一下就知道原因,但是最初步的基本检查,对医生判断病情有一定帮助的,如果症状明显,表现典型,医生也可能不会给做血常规...