编者按 宫颈癌是唯一一个病因明确的妇科恶性肿瘤,高危型人乳头状瘤病毒(HPV)持续感染(尤其HPV16、18型感染)是宫颈癌发生发展最重要的致病因素。研究发现,通过预防接种HPV疫苗来预防HPV感染是预防宫颈癌的方法之一。2006年6月,4价人乳头瘤病毒疫苗(以下简称“4...
The article provides information on the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine and its use in the prevention of cervical cancer and other disease in females.Contraceptive Technology Update
HPV是一种感染男性和女性的常见病毒 80%的人一生中会感染HPV。 大部分HPV都会自行消失,感染持续的话会导致癌前病变和癌症。 HPV疫苗有效 导致大多数HPV癌症和生殖器疣的HPV感染在少女中下降了71%。 HPV疫苗预防癌症 美国每年超过29,000癌症患者可以通过HPV疫苗预防癌症。 和棒球比赛的平均观众数一样。 预防癌...
If you’re a man or AMAB, you can give HPV to other people even if you don’t have symptoms. Ask your doctor if the HPV vaccine is right for you. Types of HPV Human papillomavirus isn’t just one virus. There are 200 different types of HPV (that we know about). Each type, or...
The HPV vaccineisn't recommended for pregnant women or people who are moderately or severely ill. Tell your doctor if you have any severe allergies, including an allergy to yeast or latex. 不建议孕妇或(中重度)病患接种HPV疫苗。如果你有任何严重的过敏反应(包括对酵母或乳胶过敏),请(在接种HPV之前...
Proper Name: Human Papillomavirus Quadrivalent (Types 6, 11, 16, 18)Vaccine, Recombinant 专有名词:四价重组HPV疫苗(针对6型、11型、16型和18型四种病毒) Tradename: Gardasil 商标名:加德西 Manufacturer: Merck & Co., Inc 生产厂家:默沙东
One thing we are doing at the institute—co-sponsored by[1]the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation—is testing if one dose of HPV vaccine is enough to provide long-term protection. It would be transformative, especially in thesetting[2]ofdeveloping countries[3], if you could just have one dos...
For pediatricians or PCPs looking to improve HPV vaccine rates, communication is key. In this app, you will practice techniques to introduce and discuss the vac…
近日,刊登在国际杂志Vaccine上的一篇研究论文中,来自得克萨斯大学医学分校(University of Texas Medical Branch)的研究人员通过研究揭示,仅有一半的女孩儿在推荐的年龄段接受HPV疫苗的注射来保护自己免于疾病。 人乳头瘤病毒简称HPV,其是引发99.7%的宫颈癌及其它癌症的诱因,HPV疫苗可以帮助抵御70%的宫颈...
HPVvaccine is also recommended for the following people, if they did not get vaccinated when they were younger: HPV疫苗也推荐给以下人群,如果他们年轻时没接种过该疫苗的话: ✔ young men who have sex with men, including young men who identify as gay or bisexual or who intend to have sex wi...