第二十九章人乳头瘤病毒(HumanPapillomavirus,HPV)是乳多空病毒科(Papovaviridae)、乳头瘤病毒属的一个种。引起人皮肤、粘膜的增生性病变,临床表现为良性疣或乳头状瘤。HPV也是尖锐湿疣(condylomaacminatum,CA)的病原体。某些型别的HPV可使组织发生癌变,引起子宫颈癌等。一)生物学性状 •球形...
If you test positive for a high-risk strain of HPV, our doctors can refer you to an in-person specialist for a Pap smear. At-home HPV test kits Skip the uncomfortable pelvic exam in the doctor’s office with our at-home HPV test. Our testing provides a discreet and effective method ...
Human papillomavirus isn’t just one virus. There are 200 different types of HPV (that we know about). Each type, or strain, has its own number. HPV lives in thin, flat cells called squamous epithelial cells. You have these cells on your skin and in wet places. These moist "mucous me...
美国食品和药物管理局于2014年12月批准的新配方――Gardasil 9。新疫苗可预防四价疫苗的原有四株病毒,以及其它的五株,这些病毒可以引起宫颈癌、外阴癌、阴道癌、阴茎癌和肛门癌。另一个早期的双价疫苗可对抗16和18病毒株,其可导致大部分的宫颈癌。9-strain疫苗在降低菌株6、11、16和18致HPV感染疾...
HPV tests don’t test for every strain –Since there are many strains of HPV (and some aren’t connected to any major health complications), tests don’t detect every strain. HPV tests are typically targeted to identify high-risk or cancer-causing strains. Providers don’t always recommend ...
As we discussed before, there are three approved commercial vaccines to control CC for prophylactic therapy. The yeast strain was used to express these proteins and manufactured the 4vHPV and 9vHPV vaccines. These proteins were further conjugated with aluminum hydroxy phosphate sulfate (AAHS) adjuvan...
strain解释为“菌株”,在例句中指HPV病毒。可以模仿例句中与动词spread搭配,指病毒的传播,后接介词through引出病毒传播的途径。 recommend从句虚拟语气 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that the HPV vaccinebe givento girls and boys between ages 11 and 12. ...
These data argue for unexpected differences in humoral coordination across the 2 vaccine platforms, marked by enhanced coordination and durability of cross-strain Fc-effector responses induced by Cervarix® compared to Gardasil®. Similar trends were also observed for the other timepoints (...
The vaccine works best when it’s given at a young age, before sexual activity begins and before exposure to HPV. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the CDC recommend it for: Girls and boys ages 11 to 12. They should have two doses 6 to 12 months apart. The series can be started...
These data argue for unexpected differences in humoral coordination across the 2 vaccine platforms, marked by enhanced coordination and durability of cross-strain Fc-effector responses induced by Cervarix® compared to Gardasil®. Similar trends were also observed for the other timepoints (...