Simultaneous determination of bisphenols, benzophenones and parabens in human urine by using UHPLC-TQMS BisphenolsBenzophenonesParabens液体层析团 spectrometry人的尿Bisphenols, benzophenones 和 parabens 可以改变内分泌的系统的至少一个函数并且因而在人上引起不利健康效果.为在由使用的人的尿的六 bisphenols,五 ...
In this study, a method was developed and validated to determine six BTRs and five BTHs in human urine by using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled with a triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (UHPLC-TQMS) in positive electrospray ionization mode. After de-conjugation by 尾-...
Simultaneous determination of bisphenols, benzophenones and parabens in human urine by using UHPLC-TQMS BISPHENOLSBENZOPHENONESPARABENS液体层析团spectrometry人的尿Bisphenols, benzophenones and parabens may alter one or more functions of endocrine system and consequently cause adverse health effects on human....