知母药材的HPLC /PDA /ELSD指纹图谱研究 下载积分: 2990 内容提示: 天津中医药Tianjin Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine2015 年 10 月第 32 卷第 10 期Oct. 2015,Vol.32 No.10知母为百合科植物知母(Anemarrhena asphode-loides Bge. )的干燥根茎,主产于河北、山西及山东等地。春、秋两季采挖,除去...
[目的]建立知母药材的高效液相色谱仪-二极管阵列检测器-蒸发光散射检测器联用(HPLC/PDA/ELSD)指纹图谱.[方法]采用Waters Symmetry ShieldTM RP C18(5μm,4.6 mm×250 mm)色谱柱,流动相为乙睛-0.1%冰醋酸,梯度洗脱流速1.0 mL/min,柱温30℃,检测波长258 nm,ELSD检测器载气气压30... 查看全部>>关键词:知母...
0.296~0.323,0.334~0.403,0.074~0.114, 2.401~2.504,1.455~1.512,0.094~0.164, 2.031~2.214,0.711~0.809,1.892~1.973 mg·g-1.主成分分析将参芪五味子胶囊分类为3类.结论 所建立的HPLC-PDA-ELSD测定参芪五味子胶囊中10个成分含量方法快捷,准确,重复性好,专属性强,结合主成分分析法可为参芪五味子胶囊的质量...
Quantification of glucose, xylose,arabinose,furfural, and HMF in corncob hydrolysate by HPLC-PDA-ELSD. Liu Xuejun,Ai Ning,Zhang Haiyan.et al. Carbohydrate Research . 2012Liu X , Ai N , Zhang H , Lu M , Ji D , Yu F , Ji J . 2012 . Quantification of glucose, xylose, arabinose, ...
HPLC–ELSD/PDA combined with HPSEC–MALLS–RIDmolecular weightquality markers (Q-marker)red ginseng polysaccharidesRed ginseng (RG) has been extensively utilized in Asian countries due to its pharmacological effects. For the quality evaluation of RG, small molecules, such as ginsenosides, have been ...
We present a green, eco-friendly, novel, sensitive, rapid, robust, and three simple methods including the HPLC-PDA, HPLC-FLD, and HPLC-ELSD approach for the simultaneous determination of MEL in various products. The mobile phase of all the HPLC methods consists of only water and an ethanol...
HPLC-ELSDLC-MSOptimized extractionSyzygium formosumSyzygium formosum (SF) leaves have been used for thousands of years in traditional Vietnamese medicine for the treatment of allergy or skin rash. However, the role of the phytochemical profile of SF leaves on their activities is poorly understood....
HPLC–ELSD/PDA combined with HPSEC–MALLS–RID could be used to determine the contents of disaccharides, molecular weights, and compositional monosaccharides of RG polysaccharides, which could be used for quality control, and this is a new view on the sugar marker to quality differentiation of ...
The content of the chikusetsusaponin IVa was detected 0.216±0.004mg/freeze-dried extract g (PDA) and 0.203±0.004mg/ freeze-dried extract g (ELSD). The established HPLC assay could be used as a basis for quality assessment of products containing D. lablab and/or D. lablab....