In particular, HPH Trust commits to a sustainable future. Board Statement Committed to sustainability, the Board of HPH Trust incorporates sustainability factors into its decision-making and strategy formulation. With overall responsibility for the sustainable development of the Trust, the Board regularly...
P7VU HPH Trust SGD 添加自选 0.220 -0.005-2.22% 延时10分钟行情休市中 03/21 17:04 (北京) 19.16亿总市值16.92市盈率TTM 0.225最高价0.220最低价19.23万股成交量0.225今开0.225昨收4.32万成交额0.24552周最高0.00%换手率87.11亿总股本0.15752周最低0.013每股收益TTM10.63亿流通值1.020历史最高16.92市盈率(静)...
P7VU HPH Trust SGD 添加自选 0.220 -0.005-2.22% 延时10分钟行情休市中 03/21 17:04 (北京) 19.16亿总市值16.92市盈率TTM 0.225最高价0.220最低价19.23万股成交量0.225今开0.225昨收4.32万成交额0.24552周最高0.00%换手率87.11亿总股本0.15752周最低0.013每股收益TTM10.63亿流通值1.020历史最高16.92市盈率(静)...
HPH Trust was named the Overall Sector Winner for Automobiles & Auto Parts + Transportation, Air Freight and Logistics at awards organised by The Edge Billion Dollar Club. The Club recognises excellence in companies listed on the SGX. The Trust achieved the highest average score in three categorie...
和记黄埔港口企业有限公司于2011年01月17日申请了名称为HPH TRUST的第7类商标,商标注册号为9059551,由中国商标专利事务所有限公司代理申请。
导读:和记港口控股 (HPH) 信托宣布在其香港业务的集装箱码头部署 5G 技术。 据 HPH 公告称,其将与 3HK 合作在 HPH Trust Hong Kong 终端内建立了五个 5G 基站,可实现超高速、低延迟和海量机器类通信。 和记港口控股 (HPH) 信托宣布在其香港业务的集装箱码头部署 5G 技术。
和记黄埔港控股信托(HPH Trust)宣布在其香港集装箱码头实施5G技术,使其成为国内首个5G运营的集装箱码头。根据公告,与CK和记黄埔的电信和互联网服务提供商3HK合作,HPH Trust香港终端内安装了五个5G基站,实现超高速、低延迟和大规模机器型通信,从而提高远程执行能力,增加连接设备,以及实现虚拟专用实时网络的能力。
The box volumes handled by HPH Trust edged down slightly in 2017, by just 1%. The total of 24.03m teu reflected mixed fortunes where the Kwai Tsing facility in Hong Kong saw throughput drop 6.6% to 10.62m teu. Hong Kongs poor showing was al
HUTCHISON Port Holdings Trust, responsible for HPH's terminal assets in South China, has posted a 47% drop in profit after tax of HK$706.4m($91m)forthe first nine months of 2017, despite a healthy jump in throughput totals.Linton NightingaleConcrete Engineering...
公司名称HPH Trust SGD 成立日期2011 员工数量3291 年结日12-31 公司地址1 Harbourfront Avenue No. 14-07, Keppel Bay Tower 城市新加坡 国家新加坡 邮编098632 电话+65 65365355 网址 董事高管 姓名 职务 年薪 Kin Ning Canning Fok, B.A. ...