HP MSA 2040用户指南用于固件版本 GL200 或更高版本HP 部件号:723983-aa3发布日期:2014 年 9 月版本:1摘要本文档介绍 HP MSA 2040 控制器机箱的初始硬件设置,供熟悉服务器和计算机网络、网络管理、存储系统安装和配置、存储区域网络管理以及相关协议的存储系统管理员使用。
If multiple upgrade steps are required, it is recommended to engage HPE Support to confirm the upgrade path.MSA Disk Enclosures Current Firmware 2070 2060 2050 / 2040 P2000 G3 D2700 Disk Enclosure ModelCurrent FirmwareRelease DateRelease NotesDownload Pages 2070 6021 Nov 29, ...
This check monitors the fan speed and status a HPE MSA 2040 storage system. To make it work you have to configure the hp_msa datasource program via WATO. Furthermore it reports the health status and reason if it is not "OK". If the status of the fan is not "Up" or the health st...
Re: HPE MSA 2040 Quarantine issue (QTOF) Hi, Please log an HPE support case for assistance to delete quarantine disk group. I do understand that the unit might be out of warranty. Please reach out to HPE support team to check for options. I work at HPE HPE Support Center offers suppo...
HPE MSA SAN存储系统是闪存就绪系统,专为经济实惠的应用加速功能而设计,是小型和远程办公室部署的理想之选。尽管成本低,但它可为您提供简易性、可立即扩展的灵活性以及一般入门级价格阵列没有的高等功能。 当我们在谈论MSA的强大魅力时,它已经超越了一款产品的物理存在意义,成为18年来最可靠忠实的老友。未来,新华三...
Add 1 Year Extended Warranty for Only $30 |Product Overview HPE 720999-002 Msa 2040 16gb Short Wave Fibre Channel Sfp+ 4 Pack Transceiver. Key Features : Packaged Quantity: 4 (specifications Are For Single Item) Device Type: Sfp+ Transceiver Module ...
Please refer MSA Event Descriptor Guide and recommendations, https://support.hpe.com/hpesc/public/docDisplay?docLocale=en_US&docId=c03791995 (Page no 37) Event ID 246 Warning The coin battery is not present, is not properly seated, or has reached end-of-life. The battery provide...
cd/mnt/Packages#切换到RPM包路径[root@localhostPackages]# rpm -qa |grep mapper #查看系统默认安装多路径软件情况,建议安装操作系统的时候选择开发环境,可以避免后期安装过多的环境依赖包。 如果操作系统可以联网,可以通过yum来进行安装。yum install device-mapper-multipath#yum安装命令device-mapper-multipath-libs-...
HP MSA阵列远程快照软件 HP MSA远程快照软件是基于存储的异步复制技术,支持HP MSA 1040/2040和HP P2000 G3 阵列(FC,Combo FC/iSCSI或iSCSI模式)的远程复制。惠普远程快照功能基于当前的快照技 术。以太网和光纤通道互连支持为您的应用环境提供了灵活的选项。基于快照的复制功 能可根据需要进行本地和远程恢复,进而...
2040磁盘阵列 3PAR高端存储 KVM 转接头 服务器机箱 铂金机箱 普通机箱 关键词:J9V70A600GBSAS15K3.5寸MSA2040MSA1040HPE存储柜硬盘 公司同类产品 DELL EMC 0M33YT ST1000NM004A 1TB SATA 7.2K 6Gbps R350 R640 服 DELL EMC 0M33YT ST1000NM004A 1TB SATA 7.2K 6Gbps R350 R640 R740 T440 T640 服务器硬盘...