AI研究机构HPC-AI Tech HPC-AI Tech 简介 ' HPC-AI Technology,Inc.是一家全球性公司,提供一个软件平台,显著加快深度学习训练和推理。他们的使命是通过帮助客户以更低的成本利用超级计算机和云平台来处理大型神经网络,从而提高AI生产力。他们开发了流行的开源项目Colossal-AI,它构成了他们平台的核心 。
所属地区: - 累计融资次数: 0 电话: - 邮箱: - 官网: 项目画像: 企业服务物联网大数据 HPC-AI Technology是新加坡一家云计算平台提供商,通过构建一个基于云的平台,通过多重并行、大规模优化器、自适应任务调度、消除冗余内存、减少能量损失等来支持AI训练系统。
only half is enough with our technology accelerate model training and lower the bar for company to use large AI model: help company to build their own chatgpt-like chatbot with thousands of dollars budget. HPC-AI Tech’s Customers See why customers chose HPC-AI Tech's products and services...
HPC-AI Tech focuses on deep learning performance and cost-efficiency in the technology sector. The company offers Colossal-AI software, which optimizes performance and cost savings for large neural network training, inference, and fine-tuning on existing computing devices. The software is primarily ...
Alveo UL3524: xDNN AMD Xilinx 研发的一种用于深度学习推理的端到端系统,基于在现场可编程门阵列(FPGA) 和卷积神经网络(CNN) 上合成的一系列专用硬件处理器。这是一种针对低延迟、高吞吐量和高计算效率而优化的设计,无需批...
Xe内核中的全新矩阵引擎(Xe Matrix eXtensions,XMX)能够加速AI工作负载,比如XeSS,是一项全新升频技术(upscaling technology),可以实现高性能、高保真游戏体验。基于Xe HPG的Alchemist SoC(之前代号为DG2)将于2022年第一季度上市,并采用新的品牌名英特尔锐炫。Sapphire Rapids:它结合了英特尔的性能核与全新加速器...
Large-scale AI infrastructure brings competitive advantage for HPC-AI convergence HPC-AI convergence is also often seen via the use of HPC knowledge to strengthen AI. As deep learning model complexity continue to growth over years, especially related to natural language processing where the computation...
With over two decades of experience as trusted advisors, Penguin Solutions is an end-to-end technology company dedicated to solving complex challenges in computing, memory, and LED solutions. Penguin designs, builds, deploys, and manages high-performance, high-availability enterprise solutions, allowin...
In the computing power layer, Amazon Cloud Technology provides diversified heterogeneous computing support including CPU, GPU, and ARM, as well as customized elastic computing instances to meet the computing resource needs of users in HPC high-intensity tasks such as AI. ...