Unnecessary ED visits overwhelm the health care system with a disproportionate consumption of finite resources. Additionally, structural barriers such as long wait times, competing demands, and a chaotic environment, undermine the provision of optimal palliative care in the ED25. Overall, we found that...
6 Pieces Feelings Wheel Vinyl Sticker 6 Inches 3.2 Inches Emotion Decal Office Decor Mental Color School Chart for Car Social Worker Counselor Skateboard Laptop Cabinets Class (Blue and White) 6 Pieces Feelings Wheel Vinyl Sticker 6 Inches 3.2 Inches Emotion Decal Office Decor Mental Color School...
为K12学校提供数字化解决方案,印度教育科技独角兽LEAD获3.5亿卢比债权融资 近日,印度数字化教学解决方案供应商LEAD(旧称LEAD School)宣布其已获得来自印度最大风险债务基金Alteria Capital的3.5亿卢比债权融资。LEAD董事会已通过一项特别决议,向Alteria Capital以每股100,000卢比的价格发行3500股A系列不可转换债券(NCD),以...