public long getSDTotalSize() { /*获取存储卡路径*/ File sdcardDir= Environment.getExtern...
将 BOOTREQUEST 发送至 BOOTP 服务器 cachefsstat(1M): cachefsstat………缓存文件系统统计信息 captoinfo(1M): captoinfo………将 termcap 说明转换为 terminfo 说明 HP-UX 11i Version 2: September 2004 Hewlett-Packard Company ix 目录 第 3 、4 卷 条目名称(节):名称 说明 catman(1M): catman…...
42、stat -r1.5.4 配置bootp远程启动协议1、搜索系统中的网卡#/usr/bin/lanscan#ifconfig lan02、备份原始文件#cp /etc/bootptab /etc/bootptab.bak3、 编辑 /etc/bootptab 文件#/usr/bin/vi /etc/bootptabadd a similar entry for each system to be served by this bootp serverrCRCT2:Ht=ether:Vm...
Re: /proc/pid/stat file in HP-UX Call pstat_getproc and look at the pst_ppid field of the returned struct. #include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct pst_status pst; int i, pid; for (i=1; ipid = atoi(argv[i]); ...
/dev/drootvg/lvol1 /data_stat vxfs ioerror=mwdisable,delaylog,dev=40010001 0 0 1159453276 /dev/drootvg/lvol2 /data1_stat vxfs ioerror=mwdisable,delaylog,dev=40010002 0 0 1159453298 7) # bdf Filesystem kbytes used avail %used Mounted on ...
HP HP-UX 说明书
see uuto(1) uustat(1): uustat ... uucp status inquiry and job control uuto(1): uuto, uupick ... public UNIX system to UNIX system file copy uutry: test for successful login to remote system ...
Data obtained from pstat_getvminfo (struct pst_vminfo). Parameters Virtual Memory Statistics: Instance name, default is "HPUX". Note: To access the available instance name, use Performance Manager or Capacity Planner and connect to the target node, then click on the class "Virtual Memory ...
(2) cumulative patch PHCO_36673: s700_800 11.23 libc cumulative patch PHKL_36853: s700_800 11.23 pstat patch PHSS_37958: 11.23 Libcl patch For HPIA 11.31: PHKL_35900: 11.31 evacd performance, kvaddr leak panic PHKL_36248: 11.31 esctl cumulative patch PHKL_36249: 11.31 esdisk ...
echo $name2 $charip1 $fcslot $fcnm1 $fcwwn $fcspeed $fcstat $fcpath $PN1 $FV1 ((i=i+1)) done 显示的格式是: 主机名称 操作系统类型 ip地址 HBA卡slot位置 HBA卡WWN号 HBA卡速率 HBA的链接状态 路径 备件信息 HBA卡的firmware版本