可见,惠普大师本HP ZBook x2平板工作站性能表现强劲。那么市面上主流的其他工作站平板电脑怎么样呢?我们分别对Wacom、微软最高端工作站平板电脑的主要功能和最高参数来做个对比。通过对比,我们发现无论从硬件参数、安全保障,还是从软件兼容、性能优化等各个方面,惠普大师本HP ZBook x2都较同类竞品表现优秀。接...
The ZBook x2 is a 2-in-1 detachable, giving users have the flexibility of the Bluetooth keyboard so one can switch from laptop to tablet just by separating the two devices. The ‘tablet’ portion includes customizable HP Quick Keys, providing 18 shortcuts for Adobe applications. On the sid...
SPECviewperf 作为全球图形性能最权威的测试软件,在测试场景甚至包含有超过 6000 万个定点数据,测试项目包括各种线框图、抗锯齿、着色图、视野景深、环境光吸收、阴影遮蔽的情况下,惠普大师本 HP ZBook x2 仍能取得如此高的测试数值,可见其强大的图形处理能力,足以满足大部分 CAD 设计工作。 (二)Solidworks 2017 ...
这款ZBook x2可拆卸式工作站平板将于12月正式开售,提供多个配置,售价1749美元(约1.15万元)起。 ZBook x2整机设计比较硬朗,采用全金属材质,由于强大的配置机身其实并不薄,机身厚20.3mm,重 2.2kg左右,相比市场同级仍有优势,可以用来便携工作。ZBook x2背后自带了可折叠式支架,附赠了键盘底座,内集成Nvidia Quadro ...
全新HP ZBook X2 G4平板PC二合一设备可称得上可拆卸“工作站”,该机功能强大、完美创意让人感觉惊艳;配备14英寸3840 x 2160精度的DreamColor显示器(可精准校准的Adobe RGB)、1.9ghz英特尔核心i7-8650u处理器、NVIDIA Quadro m620显卡、32GB/512GB SSD、结合Wacom的4096级压感提供的手写笔,非常适合创意作业,...
5. HP ZBook x2 detachable workstation Shop HP ZBook x2 Detachable Workstations Now One of the best high-performance workstation laptops is another that goes beyond the traditional laptop configuration. TheHP ZBook x2 detachable workstationis HP’s most powerful detachable PC that functions as...
HP X2 Detachable Laptop 10.1"Touchscreen, Intel Atom x5-Z8350, Intel HD Graphics 400, 64GB eMMC, 4GB SDRAM, HP Active Pen, Natural Silver, 10-p018wm $199.00current price $199.00HP X2 Detachable Laptop 10.1"Touchscreen, Intel Atom x5-Z8350, Intel HD Graphics 400, 64GB eMMC, 4GB SDRA...
3. HP ZBook x2 Detachable Laptops Forlaptops dedicated for graphic designersand creative professionals, it’s hard to beat the powerful 2-in-1HP ZBook x2 detachable workstation, ranging from the moderately pricedHP ZBook x2 laptopto the superchargedHP ZBook x2 G4 laptop. ...
Divide and Conquer: HP ZBook x2 with DreamColorHP RECENTLY SENT US its ZBook x2, billed as "the world's most powerful detachable PC." The 14-in. tablet, powered by an Intel Core i7 or i8 processor, fills a niche in the HP mobile workstation family, positioned between the affordable...
提及移动工作站,作为PC行业的领军者惠普也长期致力于该领域的开发,他们的ZBook系列产品也一直都是个中典范。专为Adobe用户量身打造的可插拔式移动工作站——惠普大师本HP ZBook x2也于去年下半年推出并于近日正式上市,惠普在商用PC领域所取得的成绩是有目共睹,那么在移动工作站领域的产品究竟有哪些地方值得外界为之...