Monitor Z27u G3 QHD USB-C Monitor Z27q G3 QHD Obtén resolución Quad HD precisa y uniformidad de color entre pantallas con calibración de color de fábrica. Finanzas Científicos de datos Arquitectos e ingenieros Desarrolladores de productos ...
【惠普(HP)Z27q G3 】京东JD.COM提供惠普(HP)Z27q G3 正品行货,并包括HPZ27q G3 网购指南,以及惠普(HP)Z27q G3 图片、Z27q G3 参数、Z27q G3 评论、Z27q G3 心得、Z27q G3 技巧等信息,网购惠普(HP)Z27q G3 上京东,放心又轻松
Os monitores integrados dão suporte apenas às funções da guiaView (Exibir). Guia "Display" (Exibição) Clique na guiaDisplay (Exibição)para ajustar as configurações deBrightness (Brilho),Contrast (Contraste),Sharpness (Nitidez),Black Stretch (Ajuste de preto),Ambient Light...
1. HP Z27Q G3 DISPLAY SHOP HP Z27Q G3 DISPLAY TheHP Z27q G327-inch diagonal display is a Quad HD (QHD) resolution display featuring 2560 x 1440 pixels (or 4x more than a 720p resolution). This 27-inch monitor provides screen-to-screen color accuracy to help you achieve precise,...
The design of the HP Z27q is fairly pedestrian, with the monitor built out of flat black plastic. The HP logo is unobtrusive in the centre, and the on-screen menu options are on the right side. If you were wondering how HP was able to undercut the competition, this is one of the...
详细参数 品牌:惠普(hp) 型号:Z27q G3 系列:Z27q G3 颜色:黑色 面板:IPS面板 能效标识:一级 显示器尺寸:27英寸 屏幕类型:IPS 显示器分辨率:2560×1440热门推荐 ¥609.00· 西部数据WD 1TB 笔记本SSD固态硬盘 M.2 SN850X PCIe4.0 2280 NVMe 游戏电竞电脑扩展硬盘 查看商品参数 ¥1049.00· 铭能27...
TCO Certified Edge Monitor; DisplayPort™ cable; USB cable; AC power cable Data sheet | HP Z27q G3 QHD Display HP Z27q G3 QHD Display Messaging Footnotes 1 All performance specifications represent the typical specifications provided by HP's component manufacturers; actual performance may vary ...
HP 惠普 Z27q G3 27英寸IPS显示器(2560×1440、60Hz、5ms) 3299元 包邮 3399元 无定向剁手上瘾 更新时间:2021-08-27 09:13 低于常卖价 提示: 此爆料发布时间较久,价格可能已过期,已为您查找商品最新信息 或选择 继续查看 优惠爆料原文相关推荐 1 / 4 ThundeRobot 雷神 CF25F300L 24.5英寸 IPS G...
HP Z27Q G3 2K 高清显示器由纯铝精心打造 而成,超越了所有设计标准,可提供令人 惊叹的无边框视觉体验。精确的 2K 高清 分辨率和出色的色彩精度可助您将创意栩 栩如生地呈现出来。这款 27 英寸显示器 能够充分释放您的计算机的性能,重新定义办公体验。
Z27Q G3 品牌 HP/惠普 型号 Z27Q G3 屏幕分辨率 2560x1440像素 产地 中国大陆 屏幕比例 16:9 刷新率 60Hz 面板类型 IPS 接口类型 HDMI,DP 保修期 36个月 背光灯类型 其他 屏幕尺寸 27英寸 能效等级 无 3C证书编号 2021010903367260 图文详情 0 本店推荐 HP/惠普E24 G4 24英寸IPS屏幕支持升降旋转壁挂低...