惠普Z系列Z22n G2显示器是一款功能全面的21.5英寸IPS显示器,其独特的三边微边框设计使多台显示器可以无缝拼接,形成更大的工作区域,提高办公效率。这款显示器具备1920×1080的分辨率和16:9的宽高比,超过200万像素的清晰度确保了视觉效果的细腻,能够准确还原真实色彩,提供出色的视觉体验。此外,该...
HP Z22n G2 21.5英寸显示器说明书 Datasheet HP Z22n G2 21.5-inch Display Color consistency and performance for the project perfectionist Be a productive powerhouse with the sleek HP Z22n G2 21.5-inch Display.This virtually seamless Full HD display is factory-tested for reliability and lo...
惠普Z系列Z22n G2 21.5英寸IPS显示器以其卓越的显示效果和广泛的适用场景,成为电脑配件市场的佼佼者。这款显示器采用了三边微边框设计,使得相邻显示器无缝拼接成为可能,为用户提供了更广阔的视野和更出色的使用体验。其1920X1080的分辨率与16:9的宽高比,加上超过200万像素,确保了画面的清晰细腻,...
品牌: 惠普(HP) 商品名称:惠普Z22n G2 商品编号:6002233 货号:1JS05A4 屏幕比例:16:9 面板:IPS技术 对比度:1000:1 响应时间:5ms 屏幕刷新率:60Hz 售后服务:3年质保 接口:DP,HDMI,VGA,USB扩展/充电,其他 特性:旋转升降底座 分辨率:1920*1080 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 厂家服务 本...
苏宁易购为您提供惠普(hp)Z22n G2显示器和三星 SAMSUNG S24F350FHC 23.5英寸微边框LED背光液晶显示器 HDMI高清接口 爱眼 可壁挂 液晶电脑显参数对比,让您了解惠普(hp)Z22n G2显示器和三星 SAMSUNG S24F350FHC 23.5英寸微边框LED背光液晶显示器 HDMI高清接口 爱眼 可壁挂 液
惠普Z系列Z22n G2 21.5英寸IPS显示器是惠普旗下的高端产品,以其卓越的显示效果和广泛的适用性赢得了用户的青睐。这款显示器采用了三边极窄边框的设计,支持多屏无缝拼接,方便用户构建高效的工作环境或娱乐空间。它的分辨率高达1920×1080,16:9的比例和超过200万像素的细腻画质,为用户提供了极为...
TheHP Z22n G2 21.5-inch monitoris a great example in a smaller size class, offering a compact build and slim display edges. Plus, it has the added benefit of rigorous HP Z design and testing, including the HP zero bright dot guarantee. ...
HP Display Manager Effective March 31, 2025, HP Display Manager will no longer be supported across the HP portfolio of monitors, and you must transition to HP Client Management Script Library (HP CMSL). You can use HP CMSL to manage your monitor. This manageability solution is compatible ...
HP Display Manager Effective March 31, 2025, HP Display Manager will no longer be supported across the HP portfolio of monitors, and you must transition to HP Client Management Script Library (HP CMSL). You can use HP CMSL to manage your monitor. This manageability solution is compatible ...
TheHP Z22n G2 21.5-inch monitoris a great example in a smaller size class, offering a compact build and slim display edges. Plus, it has the added benefit of rigorous HP Z design and testing, including the HP zero bright dot guarantee. ...