惠普星 Book Ultra 新一代 AI PC,配备全新英特尔® 酷睿™ Ultra 处理器。 了解更多 立即购买 惠普星Book Pro 142024 AI 轻薄战力本 惠普星Book Pro 142024 AI 轻薄战力本 英特尔 EVO 平台认证,搭载全新酷睿 Ultra 处理器 2.8K 120Hz OLED 全感屏,支持 VRR 可变刷新 ...
This is a 64-bit SharePlex installer. Please check the Release notes for the full compatibility details, supported sources, and targets before initiating a fresh install or upgrading to the latest patch version. The binary includes both the source and target code needed for supported replication co...
Verifying Version and Patch Requirements NMP requires that the operating system should not be earlier than HP-UX 11i v3 Update 4 (11.31.0903). Run the following command to query the operating system version: bash-4.1# swlist | grep HPUX11i HPUX11i-DC-OE B.11.31.1403 HP-UX Data Center Op...
The remote host is missing HP-UX Security Patch number PHSS_22061 . (Sec. Vulnerability OpenView NNM 6.1) Solution ftp://ftp.itrc.hp.com/superseded_patches/hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHSS_22061 See Also HPUX security bulletin 119
Check the libraries installed in HP-UX 11.31 and I found the following one already installed, but I don't know if there is a library for HP-UX with the name glibcswlist -l patch | fgrep "libc cumulative"# PHCO_40846 1.0 libc cumulative header file patch# PHCO_44212 1.0 libc cumul...
Apply the PHSS_31005 patch. See Also ftp://ftp.itrc.hp.com//hp-ux_patches/s700_800/11.X/PHSS_31005 Plugin Details Severity:High ID:26718 File Name:hpux_PHSS_31005.nasl Version:1.10 Type:local Family:HP-UX Local Security Checks
Verifying Version and Patch Requirements NMP requires that the operating system should not be earlier than HP-UX 11i v3 Update 4 (11.31.0903). Run the following command to query the operating system version: bash-4.1# swlist | grep HPUX11i HPUX11i-DC-OE B.11.31.1403 HP-UX Data Center Op...
Does anyone have a usable link to the free HP-UX software section? Or has the dismantlement of all things HP-UX already started? Yes, I have a Passport login but it seems that the free software for HP-UX has been removed. I couldn't even find the word patch or firmware. I did ...
Determine which patch you need for your system: For an HP-UX 11.00 platform you need PHSS_26559. For an HP-UX 11i (11.11) or higher platform, you need PHSS_26560. Go to the appropriate IT Resource Center: For the Americas and Asia Pacific: http://us-support.external.hp.com For ...
占쏙옙 占쏙옙占쏙옙占쏙옙占쏙옙 HP-UX占쏙옙 Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 占쏙옙占쏙옙占쏙옙 占쏙옙 占쏙옙占쏙옙占� 占쏙옙 占쌍댐옙 占쌩울옙占쏙옙 d占쏙옙占쏙옙 占쏙옙占� 占쌍�4求占�. 占쏙옙...