HP t530 Thin Client (2TY62PA) - 产品文档检索更多文档检索更多文档 国家/地区 : 中华人民共和国 关于我们 联系HP 人才招聘 投资者关系 可持续性发展 新闻中心 车库 购买方式 在线商店 致电HP 代表 查找经销商 支持 下载驱动程序 支持和故障排除 社区 注册产品 服务中心地址查询 保修查询 HP ...
Datasheet HP t530 Thin Client series Upgrade your cloud computing environment with the first HP thin client made for the office of the future. Elegantly designed with essential performance and reliability, the HP t530 Thin Client meets the needs of today and the growing demands of tomorrow. ...
Download the latest drivers, firmware, and software for your Thin Client HP t530. Este es el sitio web oficial de HP para descargar gratuitamente los controladores correctos para Windows y Mac.
The HP t530 has raised the stakes for thin client design. Get all the features you need in an exceptionally modern, compact device. And with quiet, solid-state operation and multiple deployment options, it fits perfectly into any workspace. ...
Datasheet HP ThinPro OS A modern, secure, and intuitive Linux® computing experience HP ThinPro OS helps both Thin Client IT and end users with a secure and seamless cloud computing experience by delivering intuitive features, multiple layers of security, flexible software solutions, and hardware ...
Not a question but rather a solution for anyone who needs it. The HP t530 supports the Intel 8265 internal WiFi card. I picked one up from eBay for - 9182766
支援首頁 產品 軟體和驅動程式 客戶社群 聯絡支援人員 業務支援 我的HP 帳戶 1 國家/地區:香港特別行政區
HP Thin Client t530 1000 AiO 800 TWR 880 TWR 800 SFF 800 DM 800 AiO 705 MT 705 SFF 705 DM 600 MT 680 MT 600 SFF 600 DM 600 AiO 400 SFF 400 MT 480 MT 490 MT 498 MT 400 DM 400 AiO 460/480 AiO RP9 RP1 Engage Flex Pro 2015 G2 G2 G2 G2 G2 G2 G2 G2 G2 G2 G2...
HPDM can image thin clients using either PXE or non-PXE (preferred) methods. If PXE imaging is desired, make sure that there are no other PXE services running on the network. If you are using an ISC DHCP server, it must be running at least version 3.0. Port requirements See the Port ...
Retail RP9 x HP Retail RP1 x HP Retail Engage Flex Pro x HP Elite Slice G1 G2 HP Thin Client t530 X 2.2 New in 2017-2018 This is a sampling of the new features and functionalities introduced in 2017-2018 with special reference to 2016 features, some of which are platform-dependent....