“电池状况”(Battery Health)部分中会出现下列结果之一: “好”(Good)-电池工作正常。 “更换”(Replace)-一节或多节电池无法充电或者存储容量“不足(Low)”,应该更换电池。显示的说明会告知到何处购买替换电池,或者电池是否在惠普保修范围内。 “无效”(Invalid)-交流电适配器未连接、安装了多个电池或者电池安装...
将电池放入外部充电器(PPB001 和 PPB002)后,协商失败并且充电器上的红灯闪烁。 电池无法充电,但是该电池在笔记本电脑中工作正常。 解决方法 请使用惠普网站上的 Battery Health Test。 如果电池测试结果良好并且无法在外部充电器中充电,请联系惠普支持寻求帮助。
battery fails and says 94N33T-9LP9MV-MFPXHG-C09H23 and then shortly later the battery health is supposedly fine should I be concerned? - 7167243
battery fails and says 94N33T-9LP9MV-MFPXHG-C09H23 and then shortly later the battery health is supposedly fine should I be concerned? - 7167243
Learn how to test battery health and perform proper calibration Managing Power Options in Windows 10 Comprehensive guide to optimizing power settings for better battery life Computer Locks Up or Freezes Resolve system performance issues that may impact battery life ...
The Online HP Battery Check offers a straightforward yet precise test for notebook batteries. It provides comprehensive details regarding the battery's condition and suggests any necessary maintenance actions. The Charge Remaining indicator is the electrical charge remaining on the battery. This value is...
La dernière version d'HP Battery Health Manager est maintenant disponible. Description La dernière version inclut des paramètres mis à jour et de nouvelles fonctionnalités conçues pour optimiser l'état de la batterie en limitant l'exposition de la batterie de l'ordinateur portable à des...
Access these helpful resources to optimize your laptop's battery performance, troubleshoot charging issues, and manage power settings effectively. HP Notebook PCs - Testing and calibrating the battery Learn how to test and calibrate your laptop battery for optimal performance ...
$BHMSettingName = "Battery Health Manager" $SerialNumberSetting = "Serial Number" $csvPath = "<csv file output Path>" #$csvPath = "$env:TEMP\test.csv" $computerModel = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_ComputerSystem if ($computerModel.Manufacturer -like 'HP') { ...
The battery health manager (BHM) value on the devices will be returned in a .csv file and this information can be leveraged to ensure the value is set to what is recommended by HP, this will help maintain the health of battery on HP devices. To view more details on the battery health...