所以,最终买了一个惠普T630瘦客户机。属于是全套版本的,板载的 AMD G-Series GX-420GI,两条4G三星的内存条,一块闪迪的128G,SSD,带电源和底座。拿过来完全够用了。 使用感受 但是,买回来以后却发现BIOS带有密码,而且不能从USB启动,那么就不能从USB装系统了。后来只得把ISO光盘镜像解压了,然后运行了setup.exe。
I downloaded BIOS https://ftp.hp.com/pub/softpaq/sp101501-102000/sp101848.exe from https://support.hp.com/hk-en/drivers/selfservice/hp-t630-thin-client/10522151.Then on the BIOS I see two options: a) File->Flash System BIOS,
I have a HP Thin Client T630 with "Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (64 bits)". Is this the same as Windows 10 Embedded or Windows 10 IoT? If yes, I read somewhere the Windows 10 product code should be in the BIOS. Is this code readabl...
Device Manager 4.7 or service packs To upgrade Device Manger 4.7 or service packs to HPDM 5.0: 1. Select the HPDM setup file. If the User Account Control dialog is displayed, select Yes. 2. Select Location to Save Files, and then select Next. 3. If the following warning is displayed, ...
I have a HP Thin Client T630 with "Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (64 bits)". Is this the same as Windows 10 Embedded or Windows 10 IoT? If yes, I read somewhere the Windows 10 product code should be in the BIOS. Is this code reada...
Probaly is not good solution BIOS update because could be not easy or possible to upgrade 400 G3 to (like) 400 G4 and also expencive due to be consider a new 8th generation CPU. I dont know how many differencies have G3 vs G4 at maniborad level. My prodesk ...
https://support.hp.com/us-en/drivers/selfservice/hp-t630-thin-client/10522151 You can find instructions for using the tool here: http://h10032.www1.hp.com/ctg/Manual/c05211374.pdf -wes Alex1969 3 0 0 New member 05-24-2019 08:59 AM Thank you Wes! I downloaded the ThinUpdate...
I downloaded BIOS https://ftp.hp.com/pub/softpaq/sp101501-102000/sp101848.exe from https://support.hp.com/hk-en/drivers/selfservice/hp-t630-thin-client/10522151.Then on the BIOS I see two options: a) File->Flash System BIOS,
Product: HP t630 Thin Client Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) I have a problem,I bought several such computers for my company. And coming with 16gb ssd, I changed them with larger 512gb ssds.But the problem is that I wanted to enter the bios, and they are password ...
I have a HP Thin Client T630 with "Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (64 bits)". Is this the same as Windows 10 Embedded or Windows 10 IoT? If yes, I read somewhere the Windows 10 product code should be in the BIOS. Is this code readab...