HP Slim Desktop 290-p0xxx 小主机远程安装黑苹果macos monterey 12.4系统,双系统加windows,完美,单核显uhd630,使用hdmi线,核显,声卡,有线网卡,usb驱动,稳定正常使用,可剪辑视频。///处理器 英特尔 Core i3-9100 @ 3.60GHz 四核 主板 惠普 843F
Product: HP Slim Destop 290-P0XXX HP Slim Desktop shuts down unexpectantly. Trying to use it for an Asterisk system, but not live yet. After about 20-30 hours the computer is off. Has happened various times. It cannot be a power problem, as I have an active UPS and the...
Product: HP Slim Destop 290-P0XXX HP Slim Desktop shuts down unexpectantly. Trying to use it for an Asterisk system, but not live yet. After about 20-30 hours the computer is off. Has happened various times. It cannot be a power problem, as I have an active UPS and th...
HP Slim Desktop 290-p0xxx小主机核显安装黑苹果Monterey 12.4 #HP - 老吴黑果工作室于20220722发布在抖音,已经收获了9个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Product: HP Slim Destop 290-P0XXX HP Slim Desktop shuts down unexpectantly. Trying to use it for an Asterisk system, but not live yet. After about 20-30 hours the computer is off. Has happened various times. It cannot be a power problem, as I have an active UPS an...
HP Slim Desktop 290-p0xxx 小主机远程安装黑苹果macos monterey 12.4系统,双系统加windows,完美,单核显uhd630,使用hdmi线,核显,声卡,有线网卡,usb驱动,稳定正常使用,可剪辑视频。 /// 处理器 英特尔 Core i3-9100 @ 3.60GHz 四核 主板 惠普 843F(H370 芯片组) 显卡 英特尔 UHD Graphics 630 ( 128 MB ...
HP Slim Desktop 290-p0xxx 小主机远程安装黑苹果macos monterey 12.4系统,双系统加windows,完美,单核显uhd630,使用hdmi线,核显,声卡,有线网卡,usb驱动,稳定正常使用,可剪辑视频。 /// 处理器 英特尔 Core i3-9100 @ 3.60GHz 四核 主板 惠普 843F(H370 芯片组) 显卡 英特尔 UHD Graphics 630 ( 128 MB ...